Chapter 5- There's Something In Your Dreams

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Dean's POV-

Sam helps me get Cas out of the car, pushing him up while I haul him out to walk with me. I slam the car door shut and the Impala drips, still holding droplets of rain from the storm on the way back. Cas mumbles small protests as I force him to stand up. He leans against me as I guide him around the dark bunker. Sam turns on the lights and I sigh in relief. Although I know the bunker like the back of my hand at this point, it's a bit harder to navigate with a weak angel clinging to your side.

I decide to just bring Cas to my room, for the comfort the familiarity probably brings. I wouldn't want to be in one of the barren spare rooms if it were me. I help Cas onto the bed and sit down at the edge. I slip his tie and shoes off before brushing his damp hair away from his face.

"Just stay here and rest up, okay?" I whisper and he barely nods, wincing at the small movement.

I take his hand and he squeezes it.

"Don't move your head too much, you're already going to wake up with a killer headache after losing that much blood," I whisper again, careful not to hurt his already sensitive head. I pull a blanket over him before turning out the lights and closing the door behind me.

I walk into the kitchen, sitting down at the table and watching Sam finish making tea.

"You done nursing Cas?" Sam mocks and I give him a hard glare.

"Yeah because I've never had to nurse you," I retort and Sam throws his hands up defensively.

"So where is he now?" Sam asks, blowing steam off his mug.

"My room," I reply quietly.

"Your room?" Sam repeats with a smirk.

"I figured it would make him feel better,okay," I defend, wincing as the hot water burns my tongue on the way down.

"Yeah, it would, because he's so in looove with you," Sam laughs and dodges my flick, laughing.

"Shut up," I warn.

"Oh, come on. It's obvious. The longing looks, the 'more profound bond'," Sam continues, mocking Cas' voice," and let's not forget about the whole rebelling against heaven all for you."

"Yeah, well maybe he's just a dumbass," I mumble and look down at the dark liquid swirling at the bottom of my mug.

"Okay. If he's in your bed, where are you sleeping?" Sam says suggestively. I give him a cold side glance and finish off the rest of my drink.

"I'm not tired. I'll probably just make sure he's okay and stay in there," I reply simply.

Sam laughs, shaking his head as he walks to his own room calling goodnight over his shoulder followed by muffled laughter. I swear, sometimes I want to shoot him.

I drop my mug in the sink and walk back to my room, closing the door softly. Cas is asleep, his trenchcoat pulled around his body tightly. I smile, noticing how small he looks with that thing draped over him. I sit down in a chair and grab the book I was doing research in on a new kind of monster we hunted a few weeks back. I'm glancing over the history of this creature when I hear whimpers from the bed. I put the book down and walk over. Cas is wincing and breathing heavily. I'm about to shake him awake he bolts up, gasping for air and holding his head in his hands.

"Nightmares?" I ask quietly, trying to sooth him by rubbing his back.

"I-I've never experienced one before. It-it's awful," Cas blurts turning to me with glossy blue eyes.

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