Chapter 11- The War Of A Fallen Angel's Redemption

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Troye's POV-

Everything was hazy for a few days, like I was looking at the world through fogged up glass. Staring at my reflection in a dusty mirror. I remember throwing my arms around Tyler when I first saw him. He went so rigid and cold that I could have sworn something in my heart broke. I don't exactly remember how I convinced him it was me, I just remember he suddenly held my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

 Tyler, so kindly, put me to bedrest for a week. His claim, "Having actual satan brewing inside you for who knows how long is certainly call for a little bit of rest."

I was sitting on the bed in the simple motel Tyler had found when I heard keys fumbling in the doorknob. Tyler walked in with a wide smile and bag in hand.

"You look like hell," Tyler teased, absentmindedly tossing the keys down and kicking his shoes off.

"Please, Tyler. Too soon," I whined back, wincing at the mention of that filthy place. I had been so wrong about every decision affiliated with, dare I say, Hell. Tyler nodded with understanding and walked over, "Yeah, sorry. But, I did come bearing gifts!"

Tyler walked over and kissed me softly on the temple. He dropped a jar of Nutella in my lap and smirked.

"I figured since you never stopped talking about this stuff, I'd get you some," Tyler explained and plopped down next to me.

"Did I ever mention that you are basically my favorite person ever?" I said, ripping off the foil at the top of the jar. I saw a light pink blush dust Tyler's cheeks briefly.

"Yeah, I could say the same about you," Tyler replied and smiled happily at me. I smiled back and offered him the jar. He was skeptical at first but scooped out a bit with his finger.

"Looks gross," he pointed out.

"Taste it."

Tyler did and his eyes lit up. He reached for more and savored the bite. I laughed quietly and smiled. This moment seemed so perfect at the time. Calm. Simple. Then something happened that shook every bone in my body and judging by Tyler's terrified look it did the same to him. That brings us to now, somehow back in Heaven. Not the academy, real Heaven. I can see armed guards from where I stand and beautiful golden walls and marble statues all around us. Other, just as confused or disoriented, angels are wandering around us. We must have all been called back. By what? Who knows.

I feel Tyler's hand wrap desperately around mine. A loud trumpet sounds throughout the grand hall. The nervous chatter around me dies down. I can hear a voice ahead of me, morosely calling out orders. The group slowly disperses and the voice inches closer. Finally, I can see the origin of the voice. A tall, gorgeous woman with billowy blonde hair stands in front of us. She takes in a deep breath and starts the long speech she has no doubt been droning out for the past hour to the mass of angels that have accumulated here.

"Angels, young and old, you have been gathered here today in order to pay your due service of labor in the Heavenly Garrison of The Host. A terrible danger is threatening the soundness of this unity and of it's charge, Earth. This danger is The Darkness. Some of you may say it is only a children's storybook thing but I assure you it is real and a threat. As bodies of Heaven, it is your duty to serve as you have been called to do. You will be placed in a platoon of like angels and sent to basic training. From there, your commanders will instruct you on how to fight this darkness. This is not a human-minded war of brutality and chaos. This is a war of silence and shadows. You will have to think about every move you make from now on. As a precaution, you all will be briefed to ensure the intactness of your grace and soul. If you would please move to the left and down the ivory hall, you will come to the briefing stations. We thank you for your cooperation and ask that you refrain from asking further questions."

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