Chapter 12- Loose Ends

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Troye's POV-

Castiel's assurance fades along with my will as the echoing laughter grows louder, sinking into the pores of my skin and violating my ears. I don't hesitate to creep further into the room as this journey, this prophecy, whatever you have it, it is inexorable. As is the passion I feel to win this fight. Not only had this creature, this monster, entered my body and infected every inch of it, this thing had made me believe I was doing the right thing by pushing out the person I love most. I charge forward with a sudden rage and, surprisingly or maybe not so surprisingly, Castiel follows my suit with ambiguity to our plan. He's like that, running headfirst into hurricanes. maybe he's a thrill junkie. I don't know. My mind is occupied with the task at hand, not the origins of Castiel's reckless behaviors. We find ourselves in a semi circle of light. Castiel and I stand back to back. Glinting, yellow eyes move insidiously around the edge of light. Finally, a well polished shoe takes a step inside the circle. Even puffs of smoke escape his lips. The haze of nicotine diffuses through the air and a lean, sharp-featured man with dark hair stands smirking.

"You made it to the party, I was beginning to worry. You're my favorite little protagonists, you know?" he says garrulously, his now dark eyes staring us down.

"Shut up, Lucifer. Just stop all this madness, the darkness... and we can be done here," Castiel says calmly, again surprising me because Castiel, also an archangel, can see Lucifer's truest form and it has to be intimidating.

Lucifer paces the ground, moving his feet with fulsome taps. His melodic movements seem sickeningly jovial seeing as he is the prince of darkness.

"Let me think about that really hard, Cassie. Hm, no." lucifer says and with the twist of a wrist he sends Castiel flying back into the dark room.

He circles me like a vulture on prey. I feel an unsettling twist in my stomach.

"My old friend, Troye."

"Never, ever, call me friend, you sick bastard," I say and feel my fist clench and feel my very being burn with a pure hatred.

"That hurts my feelings," he replies with a dramatic pout. His wings unfurl behind him and a blade drops from his sleeve to his hand. I prepare myself for a fight, a brawl. A loss or a gain. The odds are not in my favor but the will of Heaven is and for once I really do believe in the will of angels, even in the presence of the first fallen himself. I hear Castiel scream, and it rips at something in my heart. I ache to go to him, to help. I can't.

"Ah my hounds found Cassie. Good. This is our fight anyway,"Lucifer says, assuming his stance and plastering a fanged smile, "And I, for one, have been looking forward to it. Let's kill tonight."

"It would be a pleasure," I reply just as snarky.

He charges in first, going for a cheap blow to the stomach and missing by centimeters. I go back, for the throat, knicking it before I have to put distance between us again. Grace oozes from the knick.. I'm not sure if an angel blade can kill him, his vessel looks like it's already weak from holding him. I decide it is the only thing I can really do. At first our power is at equanimity, but he quickly overpowers me. My knees buckle under the weight of trying to hold his blade away from my face. I muster up what elemental energy I have left to hit him with a wall of holy water. He barely looks affected by the steam swirling off his skin. In fact, he looks pleased. I set up a sort of storm out of broken concrete in the ground to distract him as I go in for a few more blows. One to the ribcage. Nothing. One against his cheek Only aggravation.Then he hits me, hard, in the side and my wind tunnel of debris falls to the ground and I clutch my side. Too much grace is seeping out and I feel weaker and weaker. Lucifer is walking towards me, sauntering about in my dispersing grace, like it's a jolly blue tub of fine bath salts. He stands looking down at me, feigning pity.

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