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Fred woke up that morning determined he was going to do it; he was going to finally ask her. He had several ideas in his head that he had written down in the journal Irena had given him last Christmas.

But with everything going on, he wasnt sure he was going to be able to ask her how he wanted it. There werent going to be any fireworks or confetti, no asking her while they watched the stars above them. But it wasnt going to stop him; he was going to ask her because as he looked at her peacefully sleeping, he couldnt imagine waking up next to someone else. He wanted her to be with him forever. She was the one he wanted to see last before he closed his eyes to go to sleep and the first one to see when he opened them back again.

He moved a strand of hair behind her ear that was covering her face. He smiled as he watched her sleep. He wanted to practice before the big moment; he pretended to open the box that had the ring in it, "Irena, would you make me the happiest wizard and marry me," he said quietly, not wanting to wake up Irena. Irenas eyes widened in shock.

She was awake for the last twenty minutes, but she didnt want to get out of bed, she was enjoying the quiet, but then she heard Fred. Irena wasnt sure if she somehow had fallen asleep and just imagined it.

They both looked at each other without saying anything for a few seconds. Fred was sure she was asleep; he had ruined it. He was sure this was the worst way to ask the love of your life to marry you. Irena's mouth was in an O shape; not sure what to say, she blinked a few times. "Fred," she said quietly, looking at him watching his every move. "Yes," he said slowly, not sure what to say after.

"Did you really ask me to marry you," she finally said, trying not to show the biggest smile just in case she had dreamt it. There was no going back; she had heard him. Fred moved to look for the small box under his bed. He opened the box, "Irena, I know that this isnt perfect, its probably not how you imagine you would get engaged, but I love you, and I cant imagine my life with someone else. Would you marry me," he said, his hands shaking as he held the box.

Irena finally let her smile show "yes, Frederick, I also can't imagine my life with someone else." She held his face and kissed him, "I love you," she said after breaking the kiss, "and I love you," Fred said, their foreheads touching. 

Fred placed the beautiful ring on her finger; she looked with a smile on her face. Fred was hugging her as she looked at the ring; he kissed her collarbone. "Did you have a day in mind," Irena asked Fred.

"No, whenever you want. Ill be there," he said with a smile. "You better be." "I wouldnt miss it for the world," Fred said, kissing her jaw.

She moved to face a better look at him. "How about tomorrow?" he smiled "tomorrow sounds perfect to me, but my mum might disagree." "Well, she wanted us to get married, remember."

When Irena was pregnant with Alek, Molly suggested that they should get married as the next step, but at that time, Fred and Irena didnt know each other that well, and they werent ready for that big day, but now they were.

The newly engaged couple stayed in bed for a little while until Alek woke up. Irena got him out of his crib. George knocked on the door "come in," Fred said. "Breakfast is ready," George said, looking at Fred, who was still in bed, and Irena, who was holding Alek; he was going to leave until his eyes stopped at Irena's hand. "You finally ask her, Freddie," George said excitedly, walking closer to Irena.

"Yes, today actually not too long ago," Fed said happily, looking at his brother and future wife. "Really here," George said, pointing at the room.

"Yes, it didnt go as I had planned, but she said yes, which is what counts," Fed said, getting up from the bed.

"I guess that's true. So when is the wedding," he asked, looking at Fred and Irena. "Tomorrow," they both said at the same time. Georges eyes widened "tomorrow like tomorrow." "Yes, Im sure that the only tomorrow there is," Fred said.

George looked around, "I h-have to get everything ready. I dont have enough time." And with that, he left the room.

"Who put him in charge?" Fred only shrugged "but I guess we dont have much to worry about."

"Thats true; let's go and eat breakfast. I'm hungry, Irena said as she put Alek down.

She got his hand as they walked down the stairs.

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now