Emergency Lockdown

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Katie Killjoy: (calmly) I'm Katie Killjoy.

Tom Trench: (nervously) And I'm Tom Trench, reporting on--

Katie Killjoy: (interrupting) Shut up, Tom. Nobody wants to hear your voice. Anyways, over the past twelve hours, a virus has spread across the seven rings of hell, poisoning and killing anyone it touches two hours after contact. We recommend all demons stay indoors. Or don't, to be honest. We don't care.

Day 1

In the Hazbin Hotel, the crew walk downstairs into the lodge, only to see Alastor using his powers to barricade the front door and windows.

Vaggie: (annoyed) Alastor, what the hell are you doing?

Alastor: (calmly) What, didn't you hear the news? We all have to stay inside so we don't die from some deadly virus.

Angel Dust: (annoyed) Since when did any of us become vulnerable to a virus?

Husk: (annoyed) Since now, I guess.

Alastor: (calmly) It doesn't matter where it came from. For now, all that matters is that none of us cease to exist.

Angel Dust: (skeptically) And you're just going to magically protect us from this virus?

Alastor: (calmly) Oh, my dear Angel, you underestimate my powers. Consider this a precautionary measure. Better to be safe than sorry.

Charlie: (concerned) But what about our guests? Clara and Odette just arrived.

Clara: (concerned) Yeah.

Alastor: (calmly) Just do one of your fun activities to lighten everyone's spirits.

Charlie: (calmly) I guess I could. I think I have the perfect idea.


A few hours later, the lodge of the hotel is transformed into a makeshift obstacle course, with Charlie being the commentator.

Charlie: (excitedly) Ladies and gentlemen, demons and sinners, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel Quarantine Olympics! We've got an array of challenges set up to keep our spirits high and our bodies moving during this quarantine period. Now to our contestants.

Over to said contestants, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Vaggie, and Niffty?

Sir Pentious: (concerned) Niffty dear, are you sure about this?

Niffty looks up to Sir Pentious and nods.

Angel Dust: (excited) Oh yeah, I can't wait to beat you all.

Vaggie: (determined) Don't be so sure.

Cherri Bomb: (determined) Yeah, if anyone is winning this, it's me.

Elsewhere in the room, Charlie walks to the other people in the crew.

Charlie: (calmly) Are you guys not joining?

Husk: (calmly) Hate to break it to you, I'm a casino master and a bartender. I watch sports, I don't play them. Besides, I'm too old.

Emily: (apologetic) Sorry, Charlie. I would, but I'm not in the best of conditions.

Charlie turns to Clara and Odette.

Charlie: (calmly) What about you two?

Clara: (calmly) I'm not really an action person, same with Odette.

Charlie: (understanding) That's completely fine. You two can just relax and watch if you want.

Clara: (grateful) Thanks, Charlie.

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