Sibling Jealously

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The next day at the Hazbin Hotel, Odette sits in her room, lost in thought as she looks out the window.

Voice: (mockingly) It won't be long until the cat gets out of the bag, Odette. Soon everyone will-

Suddenly, the voice disappears as Odette hears a knock on her door. She smiles slightly, knowing who is at the door as she opens it.

Emily: (excited) May I come in?

Odette: (quietly) Sure.

Emily enters Odette's room, noticing the blueprints and bits of metal, along with other materials, on her desk.

Emily: (curious) What are you working on?

Odette: (quietly) Just some tinkering. Trying to improve some of the gadgets and devices around here. Keeps me busy and distracted.

Emily: (impressed) Wow, you're really talented. I wish I had half the skills you do.

Odette: (quietly) Oh, it's nothing special. Just something I picked up over the years.

Emily: (excited) Well, if you ever need help or someone to bounce ideas off of, I'm your girl.

Odette: (quietly) I'll think about it.

A few moments later, Clara exits her room only to see Emily and Odette zoom past her. Clara looks to where Emily and Odette are going and couldn't help but be concerned.

Odette had almost died. Clara still doesn't know how Odette is still alive. It was a miracle, to be honest, but another side of her is concerned. Clara was aware of the fact that Emily was a seraphim angel. On one hand, Clara felt happy that Odette finally made a friend... except for the fact that Emily almost had Odette killed. Clara didn't know what exactly happened, but she knew Odette had a stomach cut open by a cyborg angel who was most likely going after Emily. Clara didn't like the idea that Odette was hanging out with someone who might be wanted by heaven.

She had to do something.


A few minutes later, Clara enters Charlie and Vaggie's room, where the two lovers are talking on their bed about their wedding.

Clara: (hesitantly) Sorry to interrupt, I just need to talk to you.

Charlie: (concerned) Of course, Clara. What's on your mind?

Clara: (nervously) It's about Odette and her new friend, Emily. You know, considering what happened two days ago.

Vaggie: (realizing) Oh, I see what's going on here. You're jealous that Odette has a friend, aren't you?

Clara: (surprised) No...

Vaggie: (calmly) Yeah, well, it seems obvious to me, even if you can't admit it to yourself. You're just being a bit overprotective for your sister's safety, that's all. Trust me, there's nothing to worry about with Emily.

Charlie: (calmly) Yeah, the only reason Emily is in Hell is because if she didn't leave Heaven, they would have killed her.

Clara: (concerned) They tried to kill her two days ago, and because of that, Odette almost died, remember?

Charlie: (reassuringly) Clara, we understand your concern, but Emily is not like the other angels. She's been cast out of Heaven for not conforming to their standards. She's here in Hell because she chose to leave rather than continue being a part of a system she didn't believe in.

Vaggie: (calmly) And besides, Odette seems to trust her. She's the only one she talks to... Wait, are you jealous Odette talks to Emily but not you?

Clara: (nervously) Kinda...

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