Adding Fuel To The Fire

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As the realization sinks in, the Hazbin crew stands in silence, each grappling with their own emotions. Charlie fights back tears, her hands trembling with grief and anger as Vaggie wraps her arms around Charlie, offering what little comfort she can in the face of such tragedy.

Vaggie: (softly) We'll honour his memory, Charlie. But right now, we need to focus on staying safe.

Angel Dust remains on his knees beside Husk's lifeless body, his fists clenched in anguish. His grief is palpable, his heart torn apart by the loss of his friend.

Angel Dust: (brokenly) I'll make him pay... I swear it...


Meanwhile, in the abandoned ship, Professor Cog sits on a bench as a Grinder Commander tries to repair the burnt hole in his chest as Lilith and Vrak watch.

Professor Cog: (annoyed) Be careful. This body isn't made of bedrock.

Grinder Commander: (nervously) Sorry, sir.

Vrak steps forward, his gaze fixed on Professor Cog with a mixture of intrigue and suspicion.

Vrak: (calmly) You've proven to be quite resourceful, Professor. Taking out one of the princesses toys, I trust you won't disappoint us again.

Professor Cog: (stoically) I assure you, I have no intentions of failing again.

Lilith: (impatiently) You'd better. We have plans to execute, and we can't afford any setbacks.

Vrak: (calmly) Perhaps this turn of events presents an opportunity for us.

Lilith: (curious) Explain.

Vrak: (smirking) With the Hazbin crew distracted by their loss, you can manipulate Charlie into abandoning her Hazbin Hotel, giving you the right to return to your paradise.

Lilith: (determined) Excellent... although we still have one issue. Although Carmilla and Zestial are weakened, the cannibal overlord and the Vees are still large and could pose a threat, especially with Lute working with Vox and Velvette.

Professor Cog: (determined) No need to worry. As we speak, some of my grinders are already preparing to strike two of those pests.


Meanwhile, in V Tower, Lute watches as Velvette does her normal routine.

Velvette: (angrily) ARE YOU TAKING THE PISS? I've seen bugs that look less disgusting than this.

Random Employee: (nervously) I'm sorry, miss.

Velvette: (angrily) I'm sure you are. NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT.

Lute: (teasingly) Having trouble with the little bugs, Velvette?

Velvette shoots her a glare, her fists clenched in irritation.

Velvette: (sarcastically) Oh, how perceptive of you, Lute. Did you come here just to state the obvious, or do you have something useful to contribute?

Lute approaches Velvette, concern etched on her face as she observes her friend's frustration.

Lute: (concerned) Velvette, what's wrong? You seem more on edge than usual.

Velvette: (annoyed) It's just this project. Nothing seems to be going right, and I'm getting tired of dealing with incompetence.

Lute: (calmly) I understand, but don't let it get to you too much. You're brilliant at what you do, and this setback is just temporary.

Velvette: (calmly) Thanks, Lute. I needed to hear that.

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