The Reckoning Day

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As the reckoning day begins in Hell at Carmine Headquarters, the atmosphere is tense as the Hazbin crew, along with Carmilla, gather to discuss their plan of action against God. They watch in horror as Michael continues his rampage outside the headquarters, his cold-blooded killings a grim reminder of the danger they face.

Clara paces back and forth, her fists clenched in frustration as she struggles to come up with a plan.

Clara: (angrily) We can't just sit here and watch while he massacres innocent souls! We have to do something!

Angel Dust: (agitated) I agree, but what can we do? We're up against a god, for crying out loud!

Carmilla: (calmly) Angel Dust is right, Clara. We stand no chance.

Cherri Bomb: (determined) Who says we need a chance?


Meanwhile, the Lord lands in the middle of the pride ring.

The Lord: (calmly) At last.

The Lord turns around determined, only to be met by seven deadly sins.

The Lord: (sternly) So, you dare challenge me?

Asmodeus: (angrily) We may dislike each other, but we all agree on one thing.

The Lord: (sternly) Which is?

Beelzebub: (angrily) That you, my man, are an absolute dickhead.

Mammon: (angrily) Yeah!

Asmodeus: (sternly) Shut up, Mammon. Nobody gives a fuck about what you think.


Meanwhile, down the street, Michael walks down, shooting every demon in sight, no matter the age or innocence.

Michael: (mockingly) Somebody give me a real fight.

Voice: (determined) You want a fight? You've got one

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Voice: (determined) You want a fight? You've got one.

Michael whirls around to face the source of the voice, his eyes narrowing with interest as he sees a figure emerging from the shadows.

Michael: (amused) Oh, do tell. Who's brave enough to challenge me?

Suddenly, the figure emerges... a very small one.

Niffty: (giggling) Why, hello there. You look like a very bad boy.

Michael: (shocked) What the fuck!

Suddenly, Michael hears the sound of loaded guns from behind him as he turns to see Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb.

Angel Dust: (determined) You picked the wrong day to mess with Hell's residents, buddy.

Michael smirks, unfazed by their threats.

Michael: (mockingly) Didn't you hear? Today is the last day of Hell. Although I'll give you credit, at least you're going to go out with a bang.

 Although I'll give you credit, at least you're going to go out with a bang

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