Chapter 17: Proposal

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I yawned as I woke up and got immediately ready for the day. After I checked myself and looked terrific, I went outside and got greeted by many nice cars. I greeted them back and went on my way. Ever since the accident attack, Doc decided to keep an extra eye on me so that I was okay. He was aware of my lung cancer diagnosis. He was a doctor, a judge, a mayor, and a mentor after all. He was currently racing and mentoring Lightning on the field. C/N became my adopted child officially and Doc decided to become her father.  Well, we can also be grandparents since we were old. Whatever you liked to see. I treated Lightning as my son while Doc did the same. C/N shared the garage together with me and Doc since she became our (grand) child. Doc seemed a lot less grumpy since Lightning became a new folk in the town. A lot of cars began to visit the town and it finally became back to life. Heck, Radiator Springs even appeared on the map!

I happily walked past everyone and went towards Flo's cafe and began drinking. It was juice, soda, or water, your pick. Once I was done, I threw the can in the trash and that's when I noticed the twins working there. I looked shocked at them while they paid attention to work. 

"Shocked, honey?" Flo rode with a smile. "I hired them yesterday night."

I looked at Flo and whispered in her ear (?). "Aren't they crazy about Lightning? What if Sally is in danger?"

Flo laughed a bit and assured me that they accepted that Lightning is Sally's boyfriend. Yep, the two finally became a couple and everyone was happy for them, even the twins. I felt relieved and said bye to Flo before moving on. I saw in the corner of my eye a Ferarri entering the shop of Luigi and Guido. I couldn't help but snicker when I heard bams in the shop. The Italians probably fainted. 

Before I could even move to Doc Hudson's museum here close by, I was stopped by what seemed the cutest cars ever I had seen. They were only children. C/N was running close behind while panting. I chuckled. "Sorry, Mom! I tried to stop them but they knew about you." She looked sheepishly.

One of the children turned towards C/N in shock. "Mom?!"

Another child's car nudged the first one with the tire. "Of course, she is her mom! They're both humans!"

"That's amazing!"

I chuckled and crossed my arms. "What do you kids want? My autograph?"

They all nodded and said at the same time: "Yes, please!"

I snapped my fingers and suddenly I had paper and a pen before writing my autograph for them each. Once I was done, they all disappeared and C/N hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead before she ran off towards who knows where but I know that she was always close by to the family. I went to the museum and there was Mater, Strip and his girlfriend along with a red racer I think I have may never seen before. I quickly listened and went to stand next to Mater. "All right, everybody. Please keep together now. We are now entering the Doc Hudson wing of the museum."

The red racecar looked impressed and commented on how Doc managed to win many times and win three Piston Cups. Strip even admitted that it was thanks to the Hudson Hornet he started racing. I looked in awe as I love racing stories and that's when they all noticed me.

"Hello there, honey," Mrs. Weathers, also known as Lynda, responded with a kind smile.

"Hello," I responded kindly, returning the same smile also.

Strip drove a tiny bit forward with a smile. "Are you Mrs. Hudson?"

I blushed deeply. They were thinking that I was married to Doc. I wish I was, though. Doc never really had any love interests and didn't have any children until he met me and C/N. I became his girlfriend and C/N became his (grand) child. But why would the Weathers think that I was married to Doc? I was not a Mrs. Hudson yet. I scratched my head, feeling quite embarrassed. "Actually, we're not married but we are together."

Mater jumped in, smiling. "That's right!"

Strip felt embarrassed and quickly apologised but I told him that it was fine. After the session was over at the museum, we took our ways apart and that's when I saw Lightning and Doc returning. Lightning was panting slightly while Doc looked proud of what he did. I gave him a look and he slightly chuckled. Once Doc drove up to me and Lightning drove to Sally. "What's the look for, honey?"

Doc seemed pretty happy that he nuzzled me. "I tricked the rookie."

I showed him a look of interest and he didn't hesitate in telling me what had happened. He did scare Lightning for a moment before he was able to trick him. I slightly laughed. I decided to tell him what had happened at the museum. "Mr. Weathers thought that we were married. He called me 'Mrs. Hudson'."

Doc was quiet for a moment. I became worried that I might have said something out of the line but then he took me aside and mentioned me to sit down. When I did, he very gently held out my hand in his tire. "Would you like to become Mrs. Hudson?"

I covered my mouth with my free hand and stared at him in shock. He was smiling lovely at me too. After my shockness was over, I quickly nodded and hugged him. He nuzzled me and we decided to keep it a secret until we will call everyone to meet us at Flo's. 

That night~

We told everyone to meet us at Flo's after the drive-in theater. Yes, Radiator Springs opened the theater and we all went to watch the movie. But there weren't any humans except me and C/N. I was aware that in my world, the humans were actors and not cars. We all watched a bunch of different movies, one of them being 'Toy Car Story' a cars version of 'Toy Story'. I decided to relax on Doc's roof gently since I didn't want to crush him. Luckily, the cars behind us didn't mind since they saw enough screen. C/N was sitting next to Mater since she decided to keep him company after seeing him sitting alone. Lightning was parked next to Sally and Sherrif was next to Doc. 

You can say that we all enjoyed watching the movies. Once the movies were over, we all took a walk and a slow drive. We all chatted and laughed. My heart was fluttering with happiness since Doc proposed to me and soon, I will become Mrs. Hudson. C/N would become also a Hudson if she wanted to that is. 

After we all were at Flo's, Doc cleared his throat. "May I have your word?" Everyone went quiet and looked at him. Doc went further. "I proposed to Y/N and she will become soon known as Mrs. Hudson."

That's when everyone cheered and congratulated us while C/N hugged us while crying in happiness. I then noticed that C/N was a sensitive girl. So that's why she's crying. I gently patted her back until she calmed down. 

Human Racer (Doc Hudson x Human! Racer! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now