Chapter 1 🌙

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Third Person POV

"I feel really bad about this." The white haired girl says, walking to a remote location in between a multitude of trees. This had become their hiding place, their place. The Uchiha says nothing as he stares at his pretty girlfriends approaching figure. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him on the cheek. She frowns when he literally does nothing except stare at her with narrowed eyes. "What's wrong?" She asks, leaning her head on his shoulder as she holds him.

Sasuke sighs before putting his hands on her waist and gently pushing her away. Her brow arches at this as she takes his hands and removes them from her waist. "Can you talk instead of looking at me weirdly?" She asks before running a hand through her long hair. The Uchiha watches her carefully as she does this, a habit of hers that he really did like. He took a deep breath before speaking up, "Don't meet up with me anymore, it's not going to work out." He says, internally regretting everything.

She instantly takes two steps backwards at this.

"You know if you're going to be an ass whole I might as well not even come all the way here and sacrifice so much shit just to see you." The Senju says, glaring at the ravenette who's standing just a few feet across from her. He looks away from her, not being able to look at her face as he mutters out the words "Let's end this, you aren't my priority."

Haru stops and looks up at him with wide eyes, feeling as if someone had just stabbed her in the heart. "What did you say?" Sasuke, with a surge of strength looks at her dead in the eyes, turning cold as ice. "You aren't my priority, so let's end this." He says without a single waver in his voice.

Haru narrows her eyes as tears begin to well up, even though she wouldn't let a single tear fall in front of his face. "What so that's it? You're dropping me just like that?" She asks, fists clenching at her sides.

She came today to have one last secretive meet up with Sasuke before returning to the village. She expected it to be bittersweet, what she didn't expect was this cold hearted bastard to come in and rip her heart out. "What? don't tell me you didn't see this coming." He says with a scoff, leaning back against the tree as he watches Haru have a mental battle.

She in fact did see this coming since she knew she was going to return to the leaf at some point, but it was in the beginning of their relationship three years ago.

When she was fifteen she gave all of herself to him, a mistake that she would never be able to take back. After that she naively thought that nothing would change between them, oh how she was proved wrong today.

"So I sacrificed literally almost everything for no reason? You're damn well aware that if I was ever caught hanging around you I would get in huge trouble, so I took that huge risk for nothing?" She asks walking towards him with a fierce glare.

Sasuke on the other hand was mentally about to kill himself. He could not believe he was doing this to her, but it seemed like the only option seeing how the events were going.

Haru would be returning to the leaf where its most probable that they'd see each other less than they already do, and if she were to be caught with him it would result in an expulsion from the village. He knew that she had too much to live for to be stuck sneaking around with him.

It was a long internal battle, he was planning on being selfish and keeping her with him somehow someway, but he knew that this would only result in a bigger mess.

Plus, what he said was partially true. While she was one of his priorities, she wasn't his first priority. And he thought she was well aware of that going into the relationship. Revenge would always be his top goal and when he completes the goal then he'd think about a relationship.

His stoic gaze didn't waver as he looked into the watery eyes of the girl he managed to fall in love with. "I hate you!" She seethed before instantly glaring at the new presence.

The taller pale man gave a sickening grin to that already pissed off Senju. "Your presence disgusts me, why do you look younger?" Haru asks, arching a brow at Orochimaru who she hasn't seen since the hokage's death.

"I don't have enough patience to deal with you." She says, quickly sobering up from all the sad emotions she was feeling from just before.

Orochimaru let's out a nerve wracking chuckle, one that nearly pushes Haru over the edge. "Ah so the rumors are true, Haru I didn't think you would disobey rules like this? I'm sure Tsunade wouldn't like you running around Sasuke now would she?" Orochimaru asks, teasing Haru because of the situation.

The Senju simply arches a brow at him. "Are you done? I have better places to be." She mutters as her face betrays her, showing more and more annoyance as time passes on.

Orochimaru's smirk only widens, "didn't you come from the tundra just a few moments ago? Why don't you show me what you could do?" He asks, unbeknownst to her he actually saw the whole little breakup scene which was perfect.

Anger the girl as much as possible so she'll lash out and show me just how strong she really is.

The Senju closes her eyes and takes a deep breath "I'd rather choke myself than give you an analysis of my power." She says bluntly, making Orochimaru's smile disappear.

"And you're intelligent, just like your father." He finally says, hoping that he got under her skin. And that he did.

She opened her eyes and instantly threw her palm out, two spikes of wood emerging from her hand and piercing through the stone wall right next to Orochimaru with such ease, and at a quickness that even he couldn't quite catch.

"Don't test me." She warns before turning around and throwing one last glare to the boy who basically just stomped on her heart without a care, the one look that'll haunt him for quite some time. "And I meant what I said, I really hate you."

right after that she disappears in a flock of ravens, leaving the sight of both Sasuke and Orochimaru. Orochimaru smiles and pats Sasuke's shoulder "Well done Sasuke, now let's go." He compliments, not even batting an eye when Sasuke roughly pushes the sannins hand off his shoulder and walks away.

"Hm. . .Well that went well." He says before chuckling and walking along, following his students path to the hideout.


Hello lovely readers! Sorry this chapter is pretty short but they'll get longer starting the next couple chaps.

So whaddya think about this scene ? It hurt me writing this lol.

Next chapter Haru finally returns to the leaf!

I'll see you all next chap!

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