Chapter 37 🌙

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"Haru-hime I brought you breakfast! Oh you have your puppy here. . ." A cheery Matsuri called as she barges into my hospital room. My gaze from the wall snaps over to Gaara's student. "Call me Haru-hime one more time and I'll rip your tongue out." I threaten, annoyed by the girls constant intrusion.

I don't like her, not one bit.

"And he isn't a puppy, he's a trained wolf that could kill you in under a second so watch your mouth." I defend, putting her back in place as I run my hand through Isamu thick white coat of fur. He still somehow managing to sleep through all of this.

I've been in this hospital room for four grueling days, with Isamu by my side, and every single day she comes in at least two times trying to talk to me. Trying to become my friend.

Well I'm not really in the position or the mood to be making friends, Especially with the likes of someone who fangirls excessively over Gaara and is intimidated by a damn weapon. Luckily Isamu is usually the one who does the talking for me as he's the one who forces her out of the hospital room. Today he's been sleeping a lot though and I don't blame him. He's been up and alert ever since my surgery just incase anyone tried to come in here and hurt me.

I'm so lucky to have a summoning like him.

Matsuri, taken aback by my attitude, frowns and looks down at the tray of food. "I'm sorry Haru-hime I just wanted to bring you your food! I don't know why you don't like me. . ." She trails off, looking at me sadly.

I click my tongue and glare at her "I'd love you if you got out of my face." I snap, annoyed to oblivion with her presence. She's not as sweet as she makes herself out to be, that conniving little bitch. I don't appreciate the snide remarks she always hands over to me.

'Haru-hime I know you can't really do much now but It'd be great if you could give me pointers.'

'Wow Haru-hime you're so pretty! Your baby would've been beautiful!'

'Haru-hime can we spar? Don't worry I'll go easy on you!'

'Haru-hime can you please watch over my training?'

She thinks that because I have no chakra I can't sock her in the face, I'm less than a minute away from punching her mouth all the way back to the kazekage's office. She pouts at my angry face and places the tray of food on a complimentary table in the room.

"What did I ever do to you?" She asks, her high pitched voice making me want to scream. She reminds me of an uglier version of Sakura. But at least Sakura could fight. . . somewhat. . .

"Just get out." I groan, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands. I'm so tired of everything, the past couple of days have already been hell. The nagging sensation of knowing that Kabuto not only killed my baby but he also ruined my chances of ever being a successful ninja has been terrible.

Last night I actually had a full blown panic attack thinking about how I would never kill Danzo to avenge my mother and I wouldn't be able to defend my brother from the Akatsuki's wrath. Isamu did a good job of calming me down but the thoughts would still haunt me.

Kabuto killed my chances of being able to do those things, but in reality I can't bring myself to hate Kabuto. Well I take that back, I hate Kabuto a lot. But, my hate for Kabuto is nothing compared to the animosity I have for Danzo.

Danzo is the one who tried separating my parents. Danzo is the one who attempted killing my mother while she was pregnant with me. Danzo is the one who actually ended up killing my mother leaving me as an orphan at three months old. Danzo is the one who was hellbent on making sure I would never be strong enough to do anything. Danzo is the one who ruined my future despite Kabuto being the one to inject me.

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