Chapter 68 🌙

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AN: Fan art of Haru! It's a work in progress that the reader wants to develop throughout the chapters,here's the first phase! ^ Also, this chapter is heavily unedited so please be easy on me with this chap, I promise I'll go back in and fix any errors!

recap: "Well, I think you should head to Kiri. Don't worry, I'll dedicate some of Danzo's death to you." Sasuke dryly states and I let out a huff of indecisiveness. "You want me to head to Kiri? But why? Is it because you're mad at me?"

Sasuke arches a brow at me before adjusting Reiji on his hip, the baby scrunches his nose like a little kitten and I smile at the sight.

"Just call it a gut instinct, Haru"


My shoulders slump a little when he takes away his hand to then place Reiji back on my lap. "Gut instinct huh? Alright I'll go... I don't know how I'll find whoever my mom wants me to find but I guess I'll have to deal with it." I settle, giving Sasuke a worried look.

Its not like I want to leave him! I'm far too curious to find out about whoever the hell my mom is talking about.

Shinji arches a brow from across the table "You've been a skilled sensory ninja for how long now? I think you'll do fine."

I begin to analyze the entire situation that I'm blindly putting myself in. "Yes well i could find whoever I need to find if I had some sort of hint! Geez how am I supposed to look for someone who I have absolutely zero information on?"

"I think you could do it Haru! Who knows maybe you'll just run into whoever your looking for! You're lucky on occasion!" I stare at Shinji with not even the slightest bit of amusement on my face. "I wonder why I put up with you." I murmur before switching my gaze to behind me where Sasuke remains standing.

"What about Isamu? He'd be able to help you look for anything off." He proposes. I slump my shoulders once he mentions my summoning partner who's sadly off duty for the time being.

"I'll have to explain to you another time when we have more time, Sasuke. But bringing Isamu on this little mission isn't an option." I reply sadly. The lack of Isamu seems to really be an impairing factor, but I can't just summon him out of the blue and take him away from all the work that's being done in the tundra!

"Isamu is out of the question, but hey you're no stranger to really cryptic solo missions! You'll do just fine." Shinji exclaims.

"Solo mission? Wha- why are you acting like you're not coming with me?!" I ask, only to feel my heart drop when a guilty smile appears on his face. "Sorry Haru! But Sasuke and I are headed in the same direction for the land of iron. I'm not going to the kage summit though, heading into parties you're uninvited to is always awkward."

My nose scrunches up in confusion and I ignore his little monologue at the end which is obviously used as a small distraction. "Land of Iron? What type of business do you have there?!" I ask. The boy in front of me shrugs "Eh, you shouldn't worry about it. Its far less interesting than whatever you'll be going through."

"I don't think I like the idea of you heading out with Reiji alone, hell, I don't think I like the idea of you heading out alone at all!" I worry, squeezing Reiji's adorably chubby body closer to my chest but not to the point where it'd hurt him.

Shinji mischievously smiles at me "Don't worry about us Haru! Reiji and I are two strong boys, Isn't that right Reiji?" Shinji asks, placing his gloved fist out in front of him as if he were waiting for Reiji to reach out his tiny fist and give him a fist bump.

I deadpan at the scene and Reiji just giggles at his fathers shenanigans, not knowing the true intent behind his actions. I turn to Sasuke with a very serious look on my face "Sasuke, promise me you won't be a dumb dad like Shinji is." I plead, taking his hand and ignoring the ridiculous pout Shinji is sporting.

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