🎉💖Happy birthday Haru! 💖🎉

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•Third Person POV•

Huh? Where am I?" Haru asks, her ruby red looking around curiously. The room she's in is white with two chairs in the center. There's literally nothing else, not even a door.

Hell, Haru doesn't even know how she got in!

She hesitantly sits on one of the chairs while heavily on guard, her kunoichi instincts not leaving her once.

Quite frankly, that's when everything goes to hell.

"Haru its me! Author Chan!" The pink haired (yes, I have pink hair) young adult exclaimed as she held a bunch of balloons in one hand and a cake in the other.

Haru stares at the newcomer with narrowed eyes "who?" She asks, her guard still up but authorchan pays no mind.

Instead, the author looks off into the distance with a smile. "Hello my lovely readers! I'm not sure if any of you know but today is Haru's birthday! And as you all know Haru is my first OC baby so we've all come to celebrate!" Author Chan exclaims before shoving a bunch of balloons in Haru's hands.

Haru, awfully confused with a bouquet of balloons in her hand looks off into the distance where author Chan is but sees nothing. "Umm, im sorry but what's an oc?" She asks. Author Chan waves her off with a smile before looking back at the screen.

"So we're going to play an interactive game! Here are the rules."
-For the next twenty four hours all of you readers get to be any character from the book (or yourselves!)
-you all get to ask Haru questions and she'll be the one to answer!
-ask her anything, she'll be sure to give you a response!
-you can be anyone from Hashirama, to yourselves, to even Zabuza! (They never met but why not?!)
Have fun and make sure to ask the birthday girl questions!

(No, this is not the official update I will be updating later on today as well!)

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