Chapter 6 🌙

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"The village is just up ahead." Temari informs us as we reach an area that's literally just sand. I️ look ahead and see the vast desert "how does anyone as pale as Gaara live here." I mutter cringing for my own skin.

Hopefully this mission doesn't give me the biggest sunburn of my life! But then, an idea clicks in my head.

I quickly summon my hooded dark blue robe with the Senju clan crest on the back. I️ put it on quickly and flip the hood over my head. I look up to see the rest of my team watching me.

"What? I spent three years in a tundra guys, my skin must be sensitive!" I quietly explain as I️ walk over to temari. "So now what?"

"Well I'll lead on from here, the we'll get there in no time." She explains with a small smile of relief. I nod and return the smile "lets get going then."


"Here we're so close to the village hidden in the sand I can't just sit around waiting!" Naruto complains as he lurches forwards to go outside the small cave and into the sand storm. Kakashi places a hand on Naruto's shoulder, holding him back. "Naruto, I told you to not lose your patience." He says.

"Be patient. Right now, Temari is the one who's most anxious." Sakura says, reminding Naruto that he's not the only nervous one here. Sakura then turns back around and places a cold towel around my forehead. "You're sweating so much." She mutters to herself, looking over my body sprawled out on the floor.

"It's so hot in here." I moan in discomfort, arching my back in slight pain as Sakura proceeds in fanning me, trying to cool me down. Every single one of her touches felt like burning lava and I nearly hiss when she touches my skin.

I don't know what it was, but as we continued walking across the desert only moments ago I collapsed. The heat was way too much for me, the cloak I had on helped with the sun though. So as a result Naruto carried me on his back as we continued making out way to Suna, that's when the sandstorm began.

"Here let me pick up your hair." Sakura says, helping me sit up. She expertly begins tying up my extremely long hair in a ponytail, so then the hair reached my upper waist instead of my upper thigh.

"It's still hot." I breath out, grabbing a bottle of water and drinking it all almost immediately.

Naruto looks at me worried "Sakura what do you think is wrong with her?" He asks, his eyes not leaving me for even a split second. Sakura shrugs and wipes away a bit of sweat of her own with the back of her hand. "I-I don't know. I think the drastic change in climate just took a huge toll on her body." She guesses, replacing the towel on my abdomen with a new one.

"Is that a piercing?" She asks, looking down at my my exposed belly. I look down at the stud on my navel and nod, taking another gulp of water. "Yes, yes it is." I breath out, clutching the water bottle tightly in my hand. Its so hot right now, it feels like fire is just spreading throughout every inch of my body.

Sakura shakes her head at me as she places the cool towel on my tummy. I shudder at the feeling, feeling slightly better but not by much. I turn my head a bit without turning my body and look in Temari's direction. "So Temari, what do you think about the sandstorm?" I ask, watching as her eyes leave me and focus on the outside of the little cave we're in.

"The ironclad rule is to wait here if you encounter a sandstorm. You loose your sense of direction in a sandstorm. We often hear of people who die of dehydration in the desert after a sandstorm because they get lost." The girl informs. "Don't worry though, sandstorms around this time of the year don't last too long." She adds to which I nod softly.

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