Chapter 69 🌙

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Recap: I finally snap out of the thinking phase and piled up memories of these separate conversations and let my eyes widen once the baby in front of me calms down on his own. I don't really know how to react when the baby opens his eyes only to reveal a ruby shade eerily similar to my own.

I'm overwhelmed with emotion when I reach my hand out a touch a small lock of black hair,

"Y-You're mine aren't you?"

His bright reddish eyes fine mine and he laughs, as only a baby can emit a sweet sound unblemished by the hurts of life. His little face glows from an innocent light within, and his miniature fingers grasp mine from my outstretched hand, my eyes soften when he clings tightly to me.

Somehow it feels like he knows I'm his mother, and that I'm here to protect him from anyone and anything at any cost. I carefully place both of my hands on his fragile torso and move to pick him up, holding him tightly to my chest.

I feel an overwhelming sense of warmth and care, I've never felt more connected to anyone in my entire life! I would never let him go, no matter what comes I would protect him. Even to the point of death.

I hope his dad is willing to do the same.

My eyes widen at the realization that I'm now am a parent. Sasuke is the father of my child, I am the mother of his, we are two orphans with zero clues on how to handle children and giant red targets on our backs.


I place my hand protectively on his back and and glance back at the information card with most of his details on it.

Age: Three months

Lineage: 50% Uchiha , 25% Senju , 25% Oshiro.

Sex: Male

Weight: 13 pounds

Physical features: Black hair, red eyes, pale skin. Predominantly Uchiha features.

Chakra signatures: Fire, water.

My eyes unexpectedly water at the knowledge that I missed out on THREE of my babies months alive, and I unknowingly cling onto him just a tad bit tighter to me.

I flip the card to the back and frown, there's no more information? How the hell did this happen?! I must've been pregnant with him when the entire situation with Kabuto happened but....I thought was a miscarriage?

Upon further thought, my face morphs into one of fury. What if Kabuto took him from me during that operation and placed him into one of those creepy scientific liquid containers just like they did to Shinji all of those years ago?!

Oh I will kill him ON SIGHT!!

As if he sensed my unease, the baby in my arms began making little sounds of protest and nuzzled his face further into my neck, looking for the warmth of a parent. My heart feels heavy knowing he probably wasn't receiving the proper care here, and the heaviness turns to a new extreme when I realize that my child was in full vulnerability at the hands of that disgusting Orochimaru!

Kami, I can't wait until Sasuke hears about this! 

It never crosses my mind that there's a strong possibility that Sasuke will react negatively to this. In fact, I'm feeling a little bit too optimistic thinking about how Sasuke will take the news that he's now a full fledged parent.

It also fails to cross my mind that Sasuke is indeed, out of his mind and on the brink of insanity at this point. He's headed in a dark direction, one that I've mistakenly turned a blind eye to.

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