Chapter 18- Purple Energy

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Tyler’s POV-


I’m still stuck on what my mom said, about Troye having walls I have to break down. I always think I have finally gotten through to him but for every wall I break down, he has already built up 3 more. I wish he would just trust me, completely trust me. I stand up from where my mom and I fell asleep watching some modeling show with some host Troye imitates sometimes. It just made me miss him more, honestly. I really do miss him, I have been gone for nearly 5 days. Ill be back on Monday. Just three more days. I’m sure he’s fine. My mom walks into the kitchen and wishes me a goodmorning before pouring some coffee.


“Mom, I need to go into town to buy your gift today,” I explain.

“You don’t need to get me a gift,” my mom says and sips her coffee.


“And you didn’t need to give birth to me. Of course I have to get you a gift!” I reply and my mom giggles.


“I have to go into work today anyway, have fun,” my mom says and heads off to her room, to get ready I assume.


“See you later then,” I call down the hall after her and she smiles before closing her door and disappearing inside. I finish my own coffee and then head to my room and change. I brush my teeth and style my hair quickly before grabbing my keys and heading out. I walk because it’s a short distance into town and my wings don’t respond well to cold like this When I get into town, I decide to try an antiques shop first. I never really know what to get my mom because she likes anything really but I want to get something really special this year. I’ve been slacking lately.


The antiques shop is warm and has a comforting, rustic smell. A little old lady ask me if I need help and I politely decline. I look around for a few minutes before I spot a few custom teapots in one corner. I walk over and examine one. My mom always liked china for some reason. I find one with blue flowers and lilac hand painted on it and bring it to the counter.


“That will be 40 dollars,” the lady says. I pull out two twenties and pass them over. She wraps the pot and places it in a white box.


“Thank you,” I say and take my box and walk back out into the nippy air. I walk back home and place the teapot under my bed. My mom is already gone and I have nothing to do. I decide to look around, I loved my old little town and I’ve been missing it. Glendale isn’t the same as the place I grew up. I walk past the ice cream shop Korey and I would get ice cream in the summer when we both returned from school. I smile as I pass the library I spent snow days reading when I was still in elementary and schooled here in town. I pass my elementary next, little kids playing on the playground all bundled up in brightly colored coats and mittens. The wind picks up and I tuck my arms into myself even more. I pick up my pace and walk to my favorite place in all of town.


Rue’s Corner. The cutest, little diner I’ve ever seen. Complete with a self-serve coffee bar, arcade and dance floor for Friday night’s when all the parents would meet up and drink cheap margaritas. I remember all the kids would be sent to the arcade with pocketfuls of quarters and a sweet tooth for the candy crane. Those were the days. I walk up to the counter and buy a large cup for the coffee bar. The cups themselves were moderately pricey but it was free refills so nobody complained. I pour some medium roast blend that smells like campfires and cabins into my cup and add some milk and sugar. I take a sip and yelp a little when it stings my tongue. I blush when I see the group of middle aged woman staring at me as I fan my tongue. I quickly stop and walk back outside, away from their judgemental stares. I don’t mind the staring though because when I turn around I see them thumbing their own, much smaller wings as they point at mine, fully grown and pristine white. I flash them a cocky smile and continue on my merry way, a skip in my step that wasn’t there before. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and slip it out. The screen says Troye with that silly selfie he put as his profile picture. I feel giddy inside as I press answer and bring the phone to my ear.

He's Not Like Them- Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now