Chapter 20- Unknown

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Troye's POV-

When I said I was going to rejoin the living I lied. Tearing my eyes away from that book only made me realize how exhausted I am. I lay down in the same spot where I am and fall asleep, scarily quickly. I don't wake up until I hear a loud ringing y my ear. I am startled awake and toss the blankets to the side. I hear a loud thud and then a not so muffled anymore ringing that is even louder. I walk over to where I heard the thud and pick up my phone, it's ringing. I yawn and answer the phone.

"Hello?" I say groggily into the phone.

"Troye? Finally! What the hell, dude! I've been calling you for 10 minutes! Get your ass over here!" somebody screams on the other side.

"Excuse me, who is this?" I ask , confused.

"It's Brandon! Where are you?" Brandon asks, barely more calm.

"I- I just woke up," I say and stretch.

"Just woke up?!?! It's 3pm, Troye!" Brandon shouts and I look down at my phone, sure enough, 2:53.

"Sorry, I'll be there soon," I reply and hang up.

I quickly pull on clothes I don't even know if match and run out the door. I smack my hand to my forehead as I am about to take off and rush back in. At least I remembered this, I think to myself as I examine the bag of pills.

I fly as quickly as I can without getting windburn from the cold air. I make reasonable time and practically crashland in the middle of our little meeting building. Brandon pushes me back down when I stand up.

"Hey, so what he's late," Ray says, holding back a furious Brandon.

"Because I made it very clear to be here early and now we have to rush!" Brandon shouts back at Ray then glares at me.

"What do you mean we have to rush," I ask standing up and brushing myself off.

"I had a plan," Brandon says between deep breaths," Sorry for blowing up on you."

"Totally fine, I get it," I say with a hint of a smile. Brandon pats my back and we start walking.

"I'll just have to explain on the way," Brandon says and we all ascend out of sight. Brandon then turns his head to me, the wind blowing his hair in every direction.

"So what's the anexe for?" I shout over the wind rushing past me.

"I figured, if it enhances any mood you're in, if you take it while you're dark and not just before or after, it should do something unusual and trust me that will give me more information if it works," Brandon explains.

"What happens if that is absolutely uncontrollable, I mean I can usually try to calm down and that's how it ends sometimes but anexe mixed in, I don't know, and Brandon...," I say, sheepishly.

"Yeah? No, don't tell me you're quitting. You know you can't quit. Nobody can. Don't try to be something you're not," Brandon says, irritated.

"I can quit," I defend.

"No you can't, nobody can quit this stuff, face it. You're too weak and so is everybody else. Don't be that kid," Brandon retorts with an eye roll.

"That kid?! THAT KID?!!? You mean I shouldn't be trying to get my life together, do something that actually values my life?!!?" I scream back, propelling forward, the wind stinging my skin.

"Troye, I didn't mean it like that, it's just impossible, you know that."

"It's not impossible," I state.

"Prove it."

"You're insane."

"No, he's right, if you can take the anexe and not go into the dark like you said you usually do then you would be strong enough to quit, in theory," Carrie pipes up behind us. I shoot a look at her and turn back to Brandon. I take out the bag from my jacket pocket and look at Brandon rolling his eyes. That just ticks me off. I glare at him as I take it out.

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