Chapter 4- Walk With Me

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Tyler's POV-
Troye and I walk a good distance into the trails winding through the forest behind the Academy before Troye speaks up.
"Tyler, I'm not like other angels." Troye whispers, stopping abruptly.
I turn to look at him and smile, "of course you're not."
"No, Tyler, I mean I'm dangerous."
"How could you be dangerous?" I ask, sure he seems dark but only in appearance.
"I can do things that other angels can't, Tyler. I'm the only angel with fire powers. Don't you think there's a reason why I have theses black wings?"
I've heard legends about an angel from the dark realm being sent here to gain power, but I'm pretty sure it's an old wives tale, " Troye you're not dangerous."
"Yes I am! Dammit, Tyler, you saw! I lose control. I don't know what happens to me. I can't control myself and I hurt people. My eyes go black, fire goes everywhere and I all I want is pain! I'm going to hurt you, Tyler...and that scares me," Troye shouts, metallic tears streaming down his pale cheeks.
" do you lose control of yourself?" I say and go to comfort him but he jumps back.
"I don't know...when I'm upset everything gets hazy and it's like all the hate in me is the only thing steering me."
"You need to tell somebody. I'm sure they can do a healing spell or something-"
"NO! Tyler if the officials found out I had these secret powers, they would banish me. They already are suspicious of these," Troye says and spreads out his wings, casting odd shadows over me.
"I'm not afraid. Im not leaving you," I state.
"Please, Tyler. I don't want to hurt you." Troye says, looking terrified and shameful.
"You're not gonna hurt me, come on Troye," I sigh.
"Please. You don't understand," Troye says and I can see his eyes growing gradually darker and a heat radiating off of him.
"Troye what's happening....," I ask, watching his veins glow, in a strangely beautiful way. He looks down to his hands.
" Excuse me."
"LEAVE, Tyler. RUN!" Troye screams then shoots up into the sky, leaving me in a gust of wind. I turn and run. I get to the edge of the trees and take flight until I reach the dorm. There I wait in silence. The last thing I saw were black eyes hiding the beautiful blue ones underneath.
Troye's POV-
I shoot as high into the air as I can while I still have control. I can feel the familiar haze settling over me soon enough though. Then it's like I'm watching through a window. I'm telling myself to do things but it's a voice I don't trust me, a side of me I loathe. I fly far and fast, trying to calm this thing down. I can feel myself regaining feeling now. Only do I realize were I am. I look at the door in front of me. Room 065. What would have happened had I not regained control...
"Tilly?" I ask, watching the door crack open. He sees me and opens the door the rest of the way.
"Troye," he says, muffled from throwing himself into me for a hug.
"Why are you crying, Tilly?" I ask, looking at the tear streaks on his cheeks.
"You were banging on the door for hours, demanding your pills."
"Hours?" I ask incredulous. I can usually regain myself within a few minutes.
"Troye, do you have that anexe still?" Tyler mumbles.
"No." That's a lie. It's all a lie.
I step inside the dorm and sit on my bed. Tyler comes and takes a seat next to me. He weaves his fingers with mine and looks to me with glistening eyes.
"I care about you, I don't want you to get hurt."
"Thankyou, Tilly,"
"Tilly," Tyler whispers, trying out the word," I like it."
I give him a warm smile. He unlatches our hands and stands up.
"Try to get some sleep," Tyler suggests.
"It's only 6pm."
"You need it, now go to bed."
"I'm glad you care so much, Tilly," I admit, earning a smile from Tyler and a light pink dusting on his cheeks.
Then I lay down and close my eyes. Sleep takes me in a matter of seconds. Oh, Tyler, how can I ever leave you?
A/N: I'm sorry I know it's short but I had volunteering today and now pep band, I'm sorry. Good news though, soon I'll be on a desktop instead of phone!!! Then chapters will definitely be longer, trust me. Ok ok ily bye

He's Not Like Them- Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now