Chapter 7- Ethereal

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Tyler's POV-
Troye and I had just left the academy to find somewhere peaceful for practice. We are flying now. I glide down to the ground with Troye and land softly. Troye starts showing me cool tricks immediately. He even plays a little movie with fire. Then he starts testing the water element. Turns out he can make little snow flurries and ice bombs. I watch as he freezes a tree solid with ice and makes it shatter. He eventually tries out air and gets it pretty quickly. I laugh as I watch him form little air tornados and shoot them at me, blowing my hair in every direction. He floats back down to the ground and places his hands on the ground. He makes the ground rumble and forms little earth walls and towers all over the place. I laugh as he weaves through them and tags me.
"This is amazing Tilly!" Troye says after mastering the easy earth skills.
"Try the last one," I say eagerly waiting to see more of his skills. I mean he is the only angel I've met who can do all four realm elements. Might as well try this one.
"Tyler only the guardians have the ethereal element." Tyler says throwing a stunting look over his shoulder.
"Hey I've seen it all today, doesn't hurt to try." I say and throw my hands up in mock defeat.
Troye puts his hands out in front of him and squeezes his eyes shut. I watch for a few minutes, nothing happening. Then I start to see things showing up. A golden haze settles over him and he remains still. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out.
Zoe: Ty they are doing cabin checks and my roomie just got busted with anexe. What do I do?
Tyler: I'll be there soon, I'm flying back now.
I wince at the previous message I sent.
Tyler: I'm with Troye again. If I'm not back soon, we're heading north.
Zoe: I'm sure you'll be fine Ty
Tyler: I know but I don't know what he is capable of...
I don't know why I was ever afraid of Troye. He would never hurt me. He just showed me all these amazing powers and trusts me because this could get Troye executed. The guardians really don't like multielemntal angels. I look up then. The haze has grown into a gel like substance of glittering gold. I wade through and grab onto Troye arm. The thick jelly stuff instantly evaporates and the cold air returns. Troye is trembling. In his hand is a golden star. I take it from his hand right before he opens his eyes. I quickly put it in my back pocket. I don't if it was the curious part of me wanting to protect Troye or the protective part of me not wanting him to know he can do this. I read once the guardians know how to track ethereal element use. With the guardians taking angels away all over the realm, I'm sure it just looks like a gaurdian out on duty. Troye opens his eyes and looks at me. I start drGging Troye into a run so we can take off.
"We've been out here forever! Zoe just texted me and said they're going around and doing cabin checks and we should get back before they get to ours." I shout over the sound of the increasing wind speed.
"Oh ok. But how did Zoe know we were out here?" Troye says leveling his altitude and easily gliding next to me, while I struggle to keep up with his speed.
"Oh she uhhhh she saw us leaving," I say just loud enough to be heard over the wind rushing in our ears. I don't want Troye to know I ever felt scared of him. Something tells me that would make him shrink away from me, feeling like he as a threat. I don't know what to say the rest of the flight and I struggle over words the entire time. Once we land in our dorm, Troye immediately walks into the bathroom. The dorm inspector knocks moments later. I hear Troye turn on the shower quickly and some bustling until he starts singing. His voice is so beautiful I forget to open the door until another knock sound through the room. I walk over and open the door with a big smile.
"Hello?" I greet them and open the door wider as they step in.
"We're just doing a quick inspection. Do you have any illegal substances?"
"No," I respond gawking like just the thought is ridiculous. I mean I don't have any so I guess it's not lying in a way.
"Any weapons?"
"Any alcohol?"
"No?" I didn't even know what alcohol is so I guess not.
"Okay, we need to check the bathroom," the other person say who was searching the room while I was questioned. Te man looks over to the bathroom where Troye is still singing loudly. He sighs and looks down at his watch.
"I didn't get anything on here," he says and points to a device on his collar which I guess detects lying'
, "I think they're fine."
He nods cordially before they leave the room. I watch them quickly fly to the girls dorms across campus. I close the door and sigh. The water is off now and soon enough Troye exits the bathroom. I glance at him questioningly.
"Spontaneously decided to take a shower?" I tease.
"Yep," Troye says curtly, letting me know nothing else is coming from the subject so I drop it. I didn't want Troye getting caught with anexe anyway. He grabs sweatpants and pulls them on behind his towel. It's not like he would know I was watching but I still blush when he turns around and I catch him smirk at me. He slips on a shirt and I watch his happy trail stretch as he pulls his shirt over his head. My cheeks are physically hot I am blushing so hard when he looks to me.
"Why are you blushing, Tilly?" Troye teases and taps his chin And tilts his head. He looks adorable to say the least.
"Oh shut up," I say quietly and go the bathroom myself. I start my night routine. After such an eventful day, it feels good to step into a warm shower.
Troye's POV-
I watch Tyler scurry into to he bathroom and wait for water to run before I let myself laugh. It's wired how Tyler makes me feel so confident. I don't know what made me flirt like that. He was probably blushing because me being a weirdo freaks him out. These negative thoughts suddenly have me feeling pretty melancholy. I sink into my bed and close my eyes. Any angel gets tired after using their elements for a while. Me trying out 3 new ones definitely had me fatigued. I curl up and close my eyes. I can't quite fall asleep though. I am in a trance like state. I hear Tyler's hums stop and the water stop. Then I hear the door open and some my rustling around. Then I hear the bathroom door close again and some louder rustling. A loud bang has me shooting up and my eyes flying open. I look to the closed bathroom door and run over, nearly tripping over my own sheets.
"Tyler? You okay?" I ask through the door, knocking softly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need a minute," Tyler calls. But his breath is raggid and shallow. I open the door, which is fortunately unlocked. Tyler is leaning against the bathtub, his eyes closed and squirming. He opens them and looks at me. The light coming from them nearly blinds me and I look away. I notice the light around e dims and I look back to Tyler. His eyes are still shining not so much to be blinding but enough too be...creepy. That is really the only way to say it. His blue eyes were replaced by a powerful glow and it was just plain creepy. Those eyes sockets seeping light like that. The light focused on me and I knew Tyler was still under all that. I walk over and kneel next to him.
"Tyler what is happening?" I ask softly. The last thing he need is me worrying him.
"I don't know. I was just drying my hair and then everything suddenly felt heavy and I fell. Everything is so bright it hurts to look."
"I think that's because your eyes look like flashlights, Tilly" I say and luagh.
"What are flashlights?" Tyler asks curiously.
"Oh they are these things that make beams of light down in the mortal world. They can't see as well as us in the dark I guess, so they use those at night," I explain and pull Tyler over to the mirror. He sees himself and immediately closes his eyes.
"That's really wierd, Troye," Tyler says and I make him turn to me.
I grab his hands and he opens his eyes again. Instead of the glow, his eyes are back to the greeny blue I remember. I smile and he looks back to the mirror. I watch his gaze settle on our linked fingers in the mirror. I feel my cheeks heat oupand I quickly let go, shoving my hands in my pockets. Tyler smiles weakly and walks out. We both settle into bed and Tyler snaps the lights off. I've always secretly wanted to be a light just for the controlling electricity part.
"You should try light," Tyler says as if reading my mind.
I try to make the lights flicker back on for a few minutes but eventually give up. I actually tried to do light once but it is a specifically crossbreed element between earth and air (lightning) and I am a true purebred from two fire parents. Well just one now after my dad was taken away. But, I've never been able to do light or sound (earth and water). No earth has ever crossbreed with fire and only earth cross breeds make new elements. It's wired I know but it's what it is. I wonder what a light and fire would do. Probably something epic. Or just a less powerful fire since fire is the dominant element. Again, nobody has ever crossbred light and fire. Us angels are told what to do and what not to do and we usually keep to those rules. I mean it's not illegal to crossbreed but the guardians think it's pointless. They think it makes weaker forms of the elements but in my opinion Tyler is stronger than most. Maybe the guardians only say that so people don't try.
The next day is slow until ancestry. We have a lesson on elemental and multielemental today! I listen carefully, ready to jot down notes. My foot is tapping rapidly in anticipation and Tyler has to tell me to calm it. I have to wait till the very end of the PowerPoint for multielemental.
"Now multielemental angels are dangerous. So, guardians remove them from society before they grow stronger. A multielemental angel at full capacity and ultimate strength has the power to take out the entire court of guardians if they use their powers correctly."
I turn to typer to see what he thinks of this. I'm personally terrified. He is listening with a blank expression but his foot is tapping quickly.
"So what happens to an angel with all four elements," a blond girl, Hannah I think, asks. Exactly what I was thinking.
"Immediate execution. They are way too threatening to our realm."
"Why?" I ask without even meaning to.
"Well there is a prophecy that states an angel with four elements would come of age one day and turn the entire realm into chaos."
"What do you mean come of age?"
"The angel would come of age at 18."
"What chaos?"
"Everything is said to go dark when it happens and realms would mix?"
"With the mortals?"
"With an unknown realm."
I had been listening tot he discussion I started among the class, writing down everything until now. Nobody, not even I, knew of a third realm. Worried whispers erupt throughout the class and I turn to Tyler.
"Troye," he says quietly
My head feels light. The bell rings. I try to stand. Worry floods my head. Too much. I can't take all this.
'Immediate execution'
Everything is dark.
I hear distant noises, like I am up underwater and the things around me are above water. I open my eyes and the blurry figure above me comes into focus. Tyler is loo,ping over me, peering down at me curiously.
"You're awake!" Tyler squeals.
"What happened," I ask sitting up and rubbing my sore head.
"You passed out and I carried you back here and gave you a healing spell where you hit your head," Tyler says pointing to my forehead.
"You carried me?"
"It wasn't that hard."
"Thanks I guess," I say with a weak laugh and sit up. Tyler proceeds to check my temperature and coherence.
"Sorry the nurse said I had to do that when you woke up or she wouldn't leave," Tyler says and giggles.
"Thanks, Tilly," I say and wander over to the bathroom mirror. A faint hint of a purple bruise is along my hairline. I gingerly let my fingers graze over it
I emerge from the bathroom to find Tyler sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Hey, can we talk?"
"Sure," I say, nervously.
"Did you faint because all if those powers tired you. Becaus if your fainting each time you try them then I don't think you should. I don't need you fainting every other day. And all the teachers were worried. And I as worried. And these powers are gonna hurt you. And I don't want that and-" Tyler rambles on but I cut him off by grasping his shoulder.
"Tyler, I fainted because I was really worried. It happens sometimes when I'm about to have a panic attack," I explain calmly, proud of myself for not letting Tyler's rambling worry me even more. Tyler nods and relaxes under my touch.
"I'm sorry, I was just worried."
"It's ok, I understand," I assure Tyler with a warm smile.
"Can we hug?" Tyler asks shyly," you and I both need it."
"Of course," I say and giggle, "you don't have to have a reason to hug me, Tilly."
Darn this flirting. He doesn't like you Troye! I ignore the little voice in the back of my mind and snuggle into Tyler. He smells fresh like a forest and sweet like a bakery at the same time, perfect.
A/N: I might upload later tonight :D I finally got my desktop!!!! Thankyou for voting and commenting it honestly makes my crappy days so much better ^_^

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