Chapter 3- I have Some Explaining To Do

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Troye's POV-
"So, you signed up to room with me?" I ask, trying to comprehend if this is some elaborate prank.
"Yeah...I mean if it's a problem I can probably change it's just-" Tyler voice sounds defeated.
"No, really it's fine! I mean umm I don't mind," I say sheepishly and sink farther into my stiff mattress, embarrassed.
Tyler smiles and starts putting things away in his side of the room. He hums under his breath while he organizes and I can't seem to tear my eyes away from the simple tasks he is doing. His entire being is just mesmerizing. Tyler finishes and turns to me, his perfectly white wings cascading around him.
"Well, let's get to know each other," Tyler suggests and sits across from me on his bed.
"Ok, what's your favorite color?" I ask and Tyler responds simply by pointing to his hair.
"Whatever color my hair is at the moment really. What about you?" Tyler chirps.
" I like a grayish blue but like darker than grey but not super bright," I say and realize I'm rambling," ummm yeah I like blue."
Tyler giggles but quickly focuses back in, "Favorite food?"
"Nutella, 100%," I say and hum at the thought of the rich, creamy spread.
"Nutella?" Tyler says and quirks an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah, it's a mortal food. I got my hands on some though," I say and wink. Tyler laughs and wiggles his eyebrows.
We ask a few more simple questions before Tyler finally hit one that hits hard.
"How come your wings are black," Tyler asks, peering over at my wings resting behind me.
"I don't know actually, guess it's just the same as yours are white just because they just are," I reply honestly. I hate being different though I can't help it.
"When did you first come here?" I ask curious as to why I've never seen him my entire high school enrollment here.
"Very end of last semester," Tyler responds.
"Ahh, that explains it," I whisper to myself.
"Explains what?" Tyler says, picks up on my hushed tone.
"Well um I was on a suspension when you arrived I guess which is why I never have seen you before," I say and Tyler's eyes light with a mischievous glow.
"Why were you suspended?" Tyler asks. I take a deep breath.
"You'll find out sooner or later so I'll tell you but please don't hate me. Well my dad used to abuse then one day he left and I never saw him again until one day he came here. He demanded I come back with him. You don't understand Tyler, I hated him so much. He hurt my mom and me so much. So when he grabbed me I blew up on him,literally. I don't know what happened to me but I was completely on fire and didn't even feel warm. I burned him to death, Tyler. I didn't want to but I did and I couldn't control it," I explain. I feel the hot tears sliding down my cheeks now. I wipe them away hastily and take a deep breath, " That's why everyone avoids me. They're scared. But I don't want to be scary. I'm not a monster. He was trying to kidnap me and I got angry and all happened so fast. Then when the fire went out, he was just ashes and I wasn't even burned."
"Troye, I don't hate you. It was self defense. You didn't know how to control your powers. It wasn't your fault," Tyler says softly after a short silence filled with only my sobs. I look up from my hands and see Tyler coming towards me. I stand up and he wraps me in a warm, loving hug. I bury my face in his delicate, yet strong wings and breath in his colgne. He smells like what home should remind me of. I don't know how long he held it. I didn't care. It was the most compassion anybody had showed me in years. I had never fit in. People have never trusted me. I've never understood why.
"He sounded like an ass anyway," Tyler says successfully lightening the mood. I let out a half hearted laugh and pull away from Tyler. He looks at me with a look filled with I so much kindness it makes me want to melt into his arms even longer. But I can't. I can't care so much about somebody who will one day leave me too. I feel fear boiling in the pit of my stomach. I pull away from Tyler. He pushes a few stray strands of hair out of my eyes then drops his arms from me. I retreat to the shared bathroom.
"I'm just gonna shower really quickly, okay?" I say and make sure to grab a change of pajamas.
I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I sink to the floor, hugging my knees to me. I gather up my thoughts then start the steaming hot water. I make it quick, knowing Tyler probably wants to shower as well. I finish up, dry and pull on the sweatpants and T-shirt I brought in. I brace myself against the sink, matching the gaze of my own reflection. I need this. I grab the Altoids case I brought in and slip a red pill out from the bottom. Just one.
"Troye!" Tyler shouts from the doorway. I look over at him.
"I-I locked the door..."
" I've been calling your name for the past ten minutes and you never responded so I started to worry and I used the key. What is that?" Tyler says pointing to the pill in my hand.
"It's medication" I lie.
"Troye Sivan don't you dare lie to me," Tyler says and gives me a stern look.
"It's not gonna kill me. It's just anexe," I whisper.
(A/N: in case your confused, anexe is not an actual drug. I made it up for the angel world)
"How the fuck did you get anexe!?" Tyler says waving his hands frantically, "That stuff is sooo illegal. You know that! Troye, give me that." Tyler demands and holds his hand out to me. I turn the pill over a few times before laying it flat in Tyler's palm. He runs out of the room for a split second before running back in panting.
"Do you have any more?" Tyler says and I shake my head.
"Please don't tell anybody," I plead.
"I won't. But, come over here," Tyler says and pats the bed next to where he sits.
"I'm sorry."
"Why would you need something that bad. Don't you know what that stuff does." A statement more than a question.
"I do Tyler but it's addictive. Everyone knows once your hooked, you can't stop," I say and feel my breath catch in my throat.
"Promise me, Troye, you will try to stop for me," Tyler says and I nod slowly. It's a hard thing to do but I feel like I could for Tyler.
"I don't want to lose you to that stuff," Tyler says, taking my hand.
"You don't even know me...", I say coldly but Tyler is unaffected.
"I know you enough to know you're worth saving," Tyler whispers as he pulls me closer. I wrap my arms back around him and hold a tear threatening to spill over.
"That's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me."
The next morning Tyler wakes me up. I rub the sleep out of my eyes.
"Wanna get breakfast together?" Tyler asks me. This perks me up.
"Yeah! Give me ten minutes," I say and rush around getting ready. I go into the bathroom to change. I pull up my shirt, revealing the many scattered red lines along my sides and hips. I run my fingers lightly over a few, feeling the rough texture before slipping on this shirt. This is one part of me I'm desperate for nobody to ever see. A part of me I'm not proud of. I walk out of the bathroom a little shaken up but ready to go.
" You alright?" Tyler asks, concern filling all his features, making his forehead crease and smile soften.
"Yeah, just lessons actually start on the second day and I'm just a little nervous," I say.
"You'll do fine," Tyler reassures me. I admire his perfectly fitting khakis and flattering button up as we walk to the enormous dining hall. We each grab a plate of the stuff the school is serving and find seats. I notice the looks. The whitest of wings brushing up against the only black wings in this school as Tyler and I walk together. When Tyler forces me to sit with him and his friends, I am glad they quickly get over their initial skepticism. I guess Tyler's approval is enough for them. I like the girl named Zoe the most. She is nice and quirky. His other friends are all funny and fairly nice but also astoundingly gorgeous. I feel like a rotten tomato surrounded by fresh apples.
(A/N: wow great simile. Ik)
The group finishes and everyone stands to leave. I trail along awkwardly next to Tyler. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back and focus on not making a fool of myself. Too late. Someone had stuck their foot out to trip me. My hands slap against the hard tile, catching myself. I stand back up and take a deep breath, willing the fire rising in my veins to retreat. Tyler comes over and walks me away swiftly. I know my cheeks are flaming with humiliation. I break from Tyler's grasp and run outside. I take off with so much force a ring of wind blows the grass back and leaves a ring of disheveled soil. I fly higher than I know I should risk. There is a legend that if you fly high enough, you enter the mortal world, but everybody ran out of breath before they made it far enough. It's not a legend. I've done it before. More than once. I do slow down and glide back to the angel realm though. No use in worrying a ton of officials. I wish they let us fly more often. We're technically not supposed to on school grounds unless instructed to. But, sometimes these wings need to breath and this mind needs to be away from everything else. The first time I took anexe is the first time I entered the mortal world. I was so out of it I didn't even realize where I was until I was shot. Then I flew back, flew until my wings felt nothing. It is harder to enter back into the angel world than leaving and I was nearly killed. They see us as some evil creatures. Except we look the exact same besides the wings. Mortals don't have any wings, weird I know. I was still thrilled. I craved the rush more and more. So I went back, anexe or not. I loved the feeling of the wind and the taunt of the rapidly thinning air. It was the only time I felt alive. It is the only time I feel alive. I crave it.
I scan the grounds beneath me. Class is starting soon. I land in the courtyard, closing my wings up and rushing inside. I make it in the nick of time, slipping into my seat as the bell rings. Tyler turns to make eyes at me from his seat hear the front. I just shrug and he rolls his eyes but a smile plays on his lips.
Every class has boring lessons, I learned what I already knew about my aura. My alchemists teacher talked about himself. Math and English was a ton of worksheets. Tyler and I joked through the magic spells we were supposed to be stabilizing. Choir was ok, we sang a hymn. Mr. Phillips assigned seats and moved me away from Tyler and next to some Bethany girl who actually isn't too bad in angels history but I convinced him to move me back if I behaved. When the day was over, I had a locker full of fresh textbooks and a yearning for my simpler classes earlier in my education. The good thing, I could sleep all rest of the day. Tyler had other plans for me though.
Tyler's POV-
"Troye?" I call when I step into the room.
"Yeah," I hear muffled and faint. I flip on the light to see Troye snuggled up in blankets on his bed. He's adorable but I know he won't want to miss this.
"This is important get up," I say.
"What? What is so important?" Troye says with sass as he props himself on his elbows. I point at the window. Troye walks over and opens the blinds. Outside a dark, grey black whirlpool cloud is forming in the ground in the courtyard. We can see other angels gathering from here.
"Let's go," Troye says with determination and takes flight as soon as he steps outside. We land among the other intrigued students. Although nobody is daring enough to get closer than several feet away. Except Troye. He inches closer and closer until he is hovering directly above the edge of the hole. Suddenly a black cloud shoots up, the hole closes and a box appears when the smoke clears. Troye looks around, everyone willing him to open it. He unclamps the silver lock on the black box and opens it. Inside is a wax stamped envelope. Troye carefully opens it. The crowd watches as he scans the words. He looks up his lip trembling and looks right at me before collapsing. I rush forward and gather him in my arms. I pry the paper from his hand and read it slowly, taking in the words.

<The descendent of fire is the fallen angel. Ten months today

I carry Troye back to our dorm and lay him down. I don't know what to do so I just sit next to him, holding his hand. He looks like he is having an awful nightmare. I go to wake him and tap his shoulder. His eyes fly open and I jump back. They are black, jet black, like his wings. I pin him down, fearing for my life. I only look back at his face, too scared to see those black orbs again, when I hear a strained 'Tilly'. I look back in surprise. I see the familiar icy blue orbs. He is confused and I let go.
"What happened?" Troye says, eyeing me curiously.
"Your eyes turned black and I freaked out and pinned you, sorry," I admit.
" don't feel bad," Troye says and stands.
"What was all that?" I ask, scared, confused, concerned.
"Would you mind taking a walk with me?" Troye asks me surprisingly calmly.

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