Chapter 11- Ice In The Music

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Troye’s POV-

I wake up and pull my headphones from my ears. I feel throbbing in my forearm and I pull my sleeve back to examine it. Oh yeah. I pull my sleeve back down and sigh.  I look around the room to see Tyler is gone. I check the time, 9:00 AM. I’M LATE! I leap out of bed and rush around getting ready. I pull out my phone and check the date, oh know it’s Tuesday too! I have a test tomorrow in Ancestry and today was review. I finish running around getting ready, I don’t even style my hair before I’m grabbing my bag and heading out. But, something on the door catches my attention. I take the piece of paper down and scan it.

Troye boy,

The school gave an announcement that since the tests yesterday wore us out and freaked out a few and they are busy analysing, we get the rest of the week off! I decided to let you sleep in but I’m in town getting a suit for Saturday’s recital. Call me if you wanna meet up.


xx Tyler


I set the paper down on my dresser and go back to my bed. That’s weird, an entire week. But hey, nobody here is complaining. I check my phone, I have an email. I look at it, it is from Mr. Bark. I open it and read it quickly.



Although we have school off, I still expect you and Tyler to practice before the recital. Tyler came in before the building was locked up for the rest of the week and got his guitar. They have music rooms at the library in town if you need a piano. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but these tests involve work. I will see you all Saturday night.


Best regards, Mr. Bark


I close the email and get up to style my hair. It sucks that I have to go in town to practice but that just means I get to finally be off school grounds with Tyler. We’ve only been off once together and that was to go out with his friends before the government issued tests the next day. We had all decided to unwind over a night of bowling. I was awful, but Tyler was a pro. That was a good night. I want more like it. I finish my hair and grab my phone off its charger. I walk out of our room and call Tyler. As I walk through the commons room I get a few glares but not nearly as many as before I started hanging out with Tyler. I guess people hate me less since Tyler seems to like me. We are always together. We sit next to each other and walk to classes together. I would say he is my best friend, even if we only met in the end of August. But then again the only other friends I have are association by Tyler. Even then I think Tyler’s friends just tolerate me, besides Zoe, she is nice. I feel a wave of sadness come over me with these lonely thoughts resurfacing but they are pushed away when I hear Tyler answer.


“Hello?” Tyler says, breathless.


“Ty, it’s me. Are you okay?” I ask concerned.


“OH HEY! Umm yeah I’m fine, I was just rushing to answer the phone after I dropped it in a bunch of plants,” Tyler explains with a breathless laugh.


“Do I even want to know,” I question and I hear Tyler laugh on the other side.


“A bee was involved and let’s just say I don’t react well when a bee touches me,” Tyler remarks.

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