Chapter 4

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Author's note:

I wrote the epilogue in Misha's POV along with some editing. Do read it completely. It's the moment we have all been waiting for. The next chapter will be in Ibraheem's POV. 

Enjoy and Peace out. \\//

Misha's POV:

"I still can't believe Rubab is getting engaged!" Zoya squealed excitedly as she applied her winged eyeliner while standing inches away from the mirror. I could feel her excitement. It was contagious. Before we knew it, Sunday night was already here and so was Rubab's engagement.

"I know right? It feels like yesterday when we got done with Olevels." I looked between the maroon and pink lipstick to see which one would go better with my golden gown.

"Yeah, it does. A lot has happened since then, don't you think? Also, go for the red one." Zoya patted my shoulder as she sat down on her bed and grabbed her platform heels. "I just hope our parents don't make us get engaged this early. I mean, I am only 22 and you are only 21!"

"Yeah, I am just thinking about Rubab, I don't know if she really wants to do this or not. It all happened so quickly and she still has two years of her med school left, basically three if we count this one." I frowned at Zoya who looked up at me while buckling her heels. "I hope so too but this isn't a fate we can avoid. Not for long at least. If they find a good man for me, I will probably marry him if they want me to."

"She probably doesn't want it, she is too ambitious to want a man in her life right now but she can't refuse her father's wishes, none of us can, you know that, but auntie does say that the guy is a good decent man. Plus you remember how she said he was nice. Let's stalk him on our way to the hall." Zoya tried to reason as she finally stood up to her full height and easily towered over me in her six inch heels.

"I hope so. Rubab deserves a decent man in her life." I replied thoughtfully while tucking the red lipstick in my golden purse along with my phone.

"We all do, Misha. Come on, let's head out. Did you search up the location of the hall on google maps?" Zoya asked me as she headed towards the door. It always surprised me how she would just smoothly walk in those heels as if she was floating in mid air. While I was pretty sure I would last a maximum of five minutes in heels and end up with a muscle tear or a sprained ankle by the end of it.

"Yeah, it will take us around twenty five minutes I guess. It's so weird when you are in a different city. Why did Rubab's future in laws had to be from another city? It's going to be so difficult to meet her when she gets married." I rolled my eyes while picking up my watch from the dressing table and pulling it on.

"Yeah but we will have an excuse to go to another city then. I had never really seen Islamabad properly before. But I still can't believe your parents let you go to another city on your own though." Zoya wiggled her eyebrows and I gave her a genuine smile.

"Not on my own. I came with you and your family, didn't I? My family trusts you. We have been friends for over fifteen years. We are way past the friendship zone. We are literally family now." I answered and Zoya nodded approvingly.

"You are right about that. Well, sister, let's go attend our other sister's engagement then yes?" Zoya stood proudly in front of the mirror for a few seconds before walking towards her lounge. Over the years, she had only gotten more beautiful, I thought as I observed her attractive facial features. Her husband was going to be lucky man. It was a good thing that Zoya's father had a house in Islamabad since he was often posted to Islamabad or had to travel back and forth continuously due to his job. "Ammi, we are leaving now. We will be back by Eleven-ish okay? I will give auntie your congratulations okay?" Zoya kissed her mother's cheek who hugged her in return. She then went and hugged me and I gladly returned the hug.

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