Chapter 1- Mysterious Angel

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Tyler's POV-
I groan and flail my arm around until I make contact with the snooze button. I groan and toss my covers away, resulting in a chill seeping into my bones. I long for my warm blanket but today is the first day back at academy. I had to look good on the first day, especially since this is my last year. So, I slip on my carefully picked outfit from last night and style my hair perfectly. My mom has made the traditional pancakes and sausage we have every first day back at academy. I finish up my breakfast and hug her before rushing out the door. The bus to take me to the academy is waiting. I haul my two suitcase on and take my respective seat for the three hour drive ahead of me. I plug in headphones and read until it is announced we have arrived. I look out the window and see a familiar face among the chaos. I smile when I see Connor waiting at the end of the driveway patiently. I hug him hello before we expand our wings and take flight. We drop our bags off for Inspection before flying on towards the campus. My wings are noticeably bigger than most angels. I don't know why. I just know wings are a social symbol and big wings definitely isn't doing any harm to my status. They are also the purest of whites. Almost everyone has fairly white wings though. I've only ever seen light gray and cream as alternate colors.
Connor and I talk about our summer break and laugh at fond memories we collected over the few months. However once we reach the school, we say our goodbyes and he is off to his locker. I have always found it sort of strange that our school isn't alphabetical, like the mortals I've heard about, rather randomly chosen for classes, lockers and home rooms. I find my locker E107 and dial in the combination on my paper. I dump my bag full of fresh school supplies and grab a few things for my first class, Realm and Aura Studies. I was never good at understanding the link between our world and the others. I find my home room next, Connor slipping me a note on his way to his homeroom. I don't even look around at who I share a homeroom with I am so enveloped in the comic Connor drew me. I doodle something back, taking note of his request for me to write back. I'll have enough time to slip this to him. Before I know it my name is called, last on the list and homeroom is dismissed. I go down a few halls to where connor waits and drop the note in his waiting palm before rushing to class. I am the last person in, slipping in just before the bell rings. I look around at people animatedly chatting and giggling while the teacher sorts through a few papers. I notice the only open sit is next to a boy with beautifully styled chocolate brown hair and mesmerizing blue eyes in the back of the classroom. I gladly walk over, taking in his gorgeousness features. I let my eyes scan him quickly, that's when I notice his wings. His wings are ink black. My steps falter for a moment out of sheer surprise not distaste. However, this boy seems to take it that way, lowering his hopeful gaze and visibly shrinking into himself. I try to put on an apologetic smile and take the seat next to him.
"Hi, I'm Tyler Oakley!" I say naturally cheerful. I stick my hand out and he takes it although timidly.
"umm, Troye Sivan," Troye says with an adorable accent I can't quite place. I smile and shake our hands. I can't help but notice how cold his hands are. Up close I can see just how shining blue his eyes are and I catch myself staring. I silently curse myself and turn away, noticing how Troye let out a breath of air once my gaze was not fixed on him. I notice the lesson is starting and I tune in, eager to do something.
"Today, we're doing something simple, examining auras!" The teacher, Mr.Hallow according to his name tag, says excitedly.
"Most of the class, including me let out an excited breath but next to me I hear the breath catch in Troye's throat. I feel worried for this boy and I don't even know him. I guess it's just something about him...
"Tyler, will you come up," Mr.Hallow says glancing up from his list of names and looking around. I stand up and walk to the front of the classroom.
"Ah a perfect example you are," Mr.Hallow says before dropping some type of powder in the air around me. Although the powder is originally white, it turns bright lilac as soon as it mixes with the air around me.
"Now, students, all I want you to do today is record your personal aura color and we will learn about the colors later. Thankyou Mr.Oakley," Mr.Hallow says and claps me on the shoulder before I return back to my seat. The rest of the class goes through an array of different colors from pink to neon green before finally Troye goes up last. I don't miss the questioning glance Mr.Hallow gives him or the way the other students seem to recoil away from him intentionally or not. He stands shyly at the front of the class, his wings so big they nearly drag the ground as he walks, like mine...except his are black. I watch as Mr.Hallow sprinkles the air, the room so quite you could hear a pen drop. The powder turns as black as his wings as soon as it gets even close to him, but there is something else. I watch tons of different colors flicker among the black, but mostly bright sparks of red. Mr.Hallow stares in awe for a moment before quickly sprinkling the powder that removes the aura. Troye walks back to his seat, his head hanging and his cheeks dusted with a blush. Soon enough the room fills back up with hushed whispers. Mr.Hallow announces to make sure we have our colors recorded for tomorrow before retreating to his desk. I turn to look at Troye slumped over the desk.
"Hey, your aura was really cool," I say genuinely amazed by it.
Troye just looks at me with glossy eyes before shaking his head and shifting his gaze back down to his lap.
"Umm, thanks," Troye says shyly and I begin to make another comment on it but the bell rings and people are rushing out. I gather my things and walk to my next class, math and English. I know a few people in here, well I know everyone, we only have a couple hundred in our grade and I learn names quick...but I only personally know Zoe, Caspar and Joe. I take a seat next to Zoe and strike up a light hearted conversation. Math is just welcome back activities and so is my alchemist class. I walk into my magic and spells class, a two period class with a lot of students per class. I notice Troye, sticking out among the white winged preppy kids with his black wings and dark clothes. I take a seat next to him, once agin noticing the lack of people around him.
"You don't have to sit by me," Troye says quietly like he thinks I'm being sympathetic or something.
"You're right I don't," I say and stay firmly planted in my seat. I can't help but feel warmed when I see a small smile tugging at the corners of Troyes lips out of my peripheral vision.
"Hello, I am Mrs. blaray, and I will be your magic and spell instructor this year. Now, I'm new so I don't know your names yet but I'll try," The confident woman says with a smile and begins a lesson.
I stay focused as the instructor goes through this years plan. Lastly, she asks for a few people to show some of their magic or spell skills. Nobody else raises their hand and she begins to look annoyed so I give in and raise my hand, she sees me and excitedly calls me down.
"You can come too, young man," she says pointing at Troye. Troye slowly walks down and joins me in the center of the circular room. We are on something like a stage I guess in the center of a ring of chairs. The teacher stands back and watches us. I decide to show off something I learned over the summer and start the silent chant giddy with eagerness. I watch as I form a neat ball of light in my hand and throw it up in the air to break apart into little sparkles of light. Everyone makes satisfied noises then look to Troye somewhat fearful but also intrigued. Why is everyone so afraid of him? I mean I transferred here at the end of last year and never saw him, why do people act like he's a monster. I watch intently as a burning ball of fire shoots up in his palm with the snap of his fingers. I look closely at his eyes. I can see the reflection of the flame in his eyes. There is something else there. Sadness? Remorse? Fear? I notice the flame is growing and Troye just keeps staring into the center. It looks almost dangerous now. I go to tap Troye and bring him out of his daze but when I touch his shoulder it burns me. I jump back and he instantly closes his hand around the flame and looks to me.
"Oh my gosh, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry Tyler," Troye says and looks to his feet.
"Hey, it's ok. I'm not mad, I say and we walk back to our seats. I have choir with Troye as well, but he sits alone as I sit with shane and Marcus. I feel bad but I can tell he needs space right now by the fiery glow in his eyes. The last class of the day is Angels History I have with Troye as well. I'm actually kind of glad Troye and I's schedule match up mostly because I want to get to know this boy.
After the final bell, most students go to settle into our "dorms". Another weird thing about Gold Stone Academy is we pick our own roommates on move in day. I go through the list of boys in my grade, we have to room with same gender and same grade, looking at the pairs. I decide to talk to some of my friends first. Turns out the only two friends I have left are Joe and Caspar, but I tell them to room together because I know they want to. So, finally I return to the list, one of the very last to sign their name. I go through the list until I spot Troye's name signed in neat cursive. The only other open spot is with a bully, so no thank you. I place my pen under Troyes name. What's the worst that could happen? I sign my name in the box next to Troyes for room 065. I go find my bag and haul it to room 065, the very last room on the second floor. I didn't even know Troye and I knew that was absolutely something he would do. So secluded, so alone. But I know I want to know this mysterious angel with jet black wings and tired eyes that still shine like stars. I push the door open slowly and peek around the frame. Troye is sitting on one of the beds, looking down at his folded hands. A single tear drops onto his pale skin. I know I shouldn't have seen that. I decide on what's best for his sake and pretend I'm just now coming down the hall. I make loud footsteps and even whistle as I walk nearer. I swing open the door a minute later to find Troye in the same spot but with dry eyes. I can still see the red form tears though. But he doesn't have to know that.
"Tyler?" Troye says obviously confused.
"I think you mean roomie," I correct him joyfully and drop my stuff on my new bed.
A/N: I'm so excited for this!!! I'm not making updating promises for everyday because I did that with my last story and nearly died but I will update frequently. I was inspired because I love fanfictions like this!!! I hope you like it and vote/comment as you please :) Thankyou for reading my lovelies <3

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