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The time has finally arrived! The first chapter for the sequel to Mama Hale! I'm not labeling the chapters like Mama Hale yet, because that's just something I don't feel like doing right now. I'll see if I can't get another chapter up tomorrow. It'll depend on how nice I feel. Also, I'm so freaking excited because I haven't gone to the orthodontist since like February and I finally have an appointment tomorrow. And I get my marching band music on Thursday! I'm so fucking excited!

-Do you guys want recaps on this story? Or do you feel like they were pretty useless in Mama Hale?-

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

"You both have everything you need?" I ask, turning to look Isaac and Hunter over.

"We're good, mom." Isaac nods.

"All right. Then let's hit the road."

It's been three weeks since the whole Darach situation. Derek is still with Cora but he's planning to leave for home soon. Isaac and Allison have been getting a lot closer since then, too. I wasn't very happy in the first place, and I'm still not too keen on the idea, but I tolerate her for Isaac's sake. Hunter has grown a lot more than I expected. The PTSD and CDD are still affecting him, but they most likely will for the rest of his life. He's coming out of his shell more and more each day. He loves school more than I could have ever hoped. Melissa McCall and I have become quite good friends since the incident. It's good to have a friend, and it's even better that she's a mother too. Most of our free time is spent either in the McCall household or here.

The boys follow me out of the house and into the Impala. Hunter learned how to buckle his own seatbelt and insists on doing it himself every single time, no matter how long it takes. This time, however, it only takes a couple minutes and we're on our way to the McCall household before school. Hunter and Isaac's chatter fills the silence for the entirety of the trip, and they both bolt from the vehicle when we arrive. Today is Melissa's day off, and while we don't typically come over in the mornings, Isaac insisted on speaking to Scott before school. Melissa luckily meets the boys at the door, allowing Isaac inside the house and hugging Hunter as I walk up the porch.

"Sorry about Isaac." I chuckle. "He said he had something to talk to Scott about."

"And it couldn't have waited until school starts?" Melissa laughs, leading me and Hunter inside.

"That's what I said. But that boy was determined."

"I will never understand how you manage a pack of supernatural creatures and being a teacher."

"Tell me about it." I laugh as we sit in the living room. "I honestly have no clue how I do it, myself."

Melissa makes to reply when there's a loud thud upstairs and the entire house seems to shake.

"God, do they ever stop?" Melissa groans as we stand back up and climb the stairs.

"They're teenage werewolves. It's all they seem to do."

"Hey!" Melissa exclaims as we round the corner, stopping to look at Isaac, injured on the floor next to a fallen picture frame. "You two supernatural teenage boys. Don't test my entirely un-supernatural level of patience."

Melissa walks away with Hunter so that I can scold the boys in private.

"Feel better?" Isaac asks Scott. I can't see him, but I know the young alpha is standing just inside his bedroom.

"Boys, I get that you're prone to being stupid, but can you please just not?" I sigh, walking up to help Isaac to his feet. "We get it. You're all strong and mighty and can heal quickly. But this house is the exact opposite of you. Do you want to start paying for repairs?"

"No." Both boys mutter, looking at their shoes.

"Then quit acting like morons. Rough house all you want. But not here. Do it in the woods or at our place. Understand?"

Both boys quietly nod their heads.

"Good. Isaac, go get Hunter and wait in the car. I need to talk to Scott real quick."

"Alright, Mom." Isaac says before scurrying off.

"It's getting worse." Scott sighs, knowing what I planned on talking to him about.

"How so?" I ask, leaning against the wall behind me.

"I can't control my shift. At all. It's like I'm a new beta all over again."

"I'm willing to bet it's a side effect from the dumb stunt you guys pulled to find us when Jennifer captured us. You should probably talk to Deaton about it."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Scott sighs and we head downstairs. "But you'll still help me learn to control it, right?"

"Of course, Scott."


"All right, Guys. You know the drill." I call to my homeroom class. "Keep the volume to a minimum, you're free when the bell rings."

Everyone turns to speak to their friends, doing what normal teenagers do. I set down my pen and walk over to Hunter, checking his computer to make sure he's doing his online lessons. There's a loud knock on the door and I, along with the entire class, look up to see an Asian girl standing in the doorway. She's obviously uncomfortable and she's probably shy.

"Hi." I grin, walking up to her. The majority of the class goes back to doing whatever. "Are you Kira?"

"Uh, yeah. You're Mrs. Hale, right? I'm in the right class?" She quickly questions and I can't help my chuckle.

"Yup, that's me. You can sit anywhere you'd like. You can do whatever until the bell rings."

"Okay, thank you." She turns to look over the classroom and I turn to go back to Hunter. "Uhm, Mrs. Hale?"

"Yes, Kira?" I turn back around.

"There's no empty seats."

"What? I could've sworn-" I sigh when my eyes lock onto Isaac and Stiles, each teen taking up two desks. "Sorry about that. Hang on."

"They the troublemakers?" Kira weakly questions.

"You could say that." I chuckle. "Follow me."

I lead Kira to the back of the room where Isaac, Stiles, Scott, Allison, and Lydia sit. The girls and Scott stop and look up at me, but Stiles and Isaac continue arguing.

"Boys?" I question, unamused.

"Hang on, Lyrie. I'm about to-"

"Stiles Stilinski!" I exclaim, quieting the majority of the class and cutting Stiles off.

"Sorry, Mom." Isaac sheepishly grins as he and Stiles look at me and Kira.

"Both of you, feet off the seats. We've been over this before. We have a new student. This is Kira. Be nice." I give Kira a small smile and walk back to my desk, leaving her with the other kids. 

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