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This chapter is a bit later than the past few, but this one is published before it's set date thanks to the person with the IG username of Agapiedaria! Also, I'm thinking about going live tomorrow! If I do, it'll be around 3p.m. EST and the rewards would be the same! 

Oh yeah! And nobody has identified what the largest foreshadowing was in the previous chapter. I do apologize because the challenge was vague. The example will be something blatant such as a phrase, or a character's movement or reaction to something. It could even be the song. If you think you know what it is, comment it on the last chapter!

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

"Lydia." Stilinski says, jumping out of the car and jogging up to the girl. I'm right behind him with Isaac right behind me. "I don't want to say 'are you sure about this', but..."

"No, he's here. I swear to God he's here." Lydia quickly replies.

We look up at the giant gates preventing us from entering the building. I shove past Lydia and Noah, kicking the gates open. Noah and I run ahead of the other teenagers and deputies, heading straight for the front doors.

"I need access to all basement rooms in this facility." Noah demands, rushing up to the main receptionist.


"It's here." Lydia pants, leading us to the basement doors. "It's right here."

Noah kicks open the door and we all rush inside, Lydia calling out for my brother. We all look around the small room, seeing no sight of the teen.

"Lydia?" Scott asks.

"I don't get it." She pants. "This has to be it."

"Then where is he, huh?" Noah whispers. "Where is he? Where is he?!"

Lydia steps back with tears running down her cheeks. I step in front of her, shielding her from the anguished sheriff.

"Breathe, Noah." I demand.

"I'm sorry." He sighs.

"I don't understand." Lydia mutters.

Aiden carefully pulls her back and we follow the couple up the stairs.

"Noah, you and the teens keep looking." I say, turning to exit the building.

"What? Lyrica, what're you doing?" Scott asks, stopping me.

"You all keep following leads." I turn to face the young alpha. "I'm going out there."

"Lyrica, you may have advanced healing, but werewolves can still freeze to death." Aiden protests.

"I know what I'm doing." I turn to the door once more.

"Lyrica, you need to stop. I can't lose 3 kids." I freeze at Noah's words.

"You won't." I turn back to him. "Some werewolves can feel what those close to them feel. Physically and emotionally."

"Like when Erica was on the rock wall." Scott realizes.

"Exactly." I nod. "Sometimes we can control it. If we focus hard enough, we can feel what packmates or even random strangers feel. However, the stronger the bond, the better. He's my brother. I know how to do it. But first I need to make our surroundings similar."

"So you're going out into the cold. Like Stiles." Lydia explains.

"I'll be safe." I reassure the teens and Sheriff. "I'll find him. But that doesn't mean you guys can't find him first."

Before any of them can protest, I turn and bolt out the door, running as fast as I can into the woods. The cold air smacks into my face, seeping into my entire body. I allow my senses to take over, focusing on Stiles. Memories with him, his scent, his appearance, the feeling of his hands, the feeling of his hugs, his personality. The more I think about it, the colder my body gets. As I run, I feel the cold seeping deeper and deeper into my skin. I know I've got him when the feeling of immense fear, terror, washes over me.

"Stiles." I pant, my nose picking up on his scent. He's close. Incredibly close. My sharp hearing picks up his screaming, and I run faster.

"Stiles! Stiles, you're all right!" It's Melissa.

I realize where I am, and skid to a halt outside the coyote den. Melissa and Rafael McCall are in there, with a frantically screaming Stiles. I rush in, wrapping my arms around my brother. Knowing my strength, Melissa releases him and allows me to hold him.

"Stiles! Stiles, you're okay!" I say, holding him tight against me. "It's okay. I've got you." He suddenly stops, shaking violently as he turns and looks around.

"Stiles, you're all right." Melissa says and he relaxes in my hold. He's still violently shaking, but he's okay.

"We need to get him to the hospital." Rafael says, rising to his feet.

"Come on, Sti. I've got you, Buddy." I carefully coax him to his feet, holding almost all of his weight against my side as Melissa leads us to Agent McCall's car.


(3rd P.O.V.)

With the jeep's engine finally started, Aiden climbs out of the vehicle and watches as Derek pulls the jumper cables off the battery.

"So, you think he was just sleepwalking? Or is there something more to it?" The teenager asks. (I was gonna put, like, "step brother-in law", but that'd just be weird and over-complicated.)

"In this town, there's always something more." Derek sighs, taking the cables back towards the Impala.

"What if I told you I know something more?" Aiden further questions.

Derek raises his brows, looking down at the omega.

"I kind of overheard... Well, I listened in on Stiles talking to Scott. How he thinks he was the one that wrote that message in the Chemistry room. The message telling Barrow to kill Kira."

"You think Stiles," Derek starts. "Skinny, defenseless, Stiles, is the Nogitsune? A powerful, dark spirit?"

"I'm not the only one thinking it. I'm just the only one saying it." Aiden deadpans.

"This thing wants to possess someone and it chooses Stiles?" Derek chuckles. "Why not take someone bigger, stronger? Someone with a little more..." Derek freezes. "Power." He looks down at his hands, or rather the live jumper cables in them, and touches the tips of the devices together. He watches as they dangerously spark and smoke.

Inside the hospital, Lydia, Scott, Melissa, and Agent McCall watch as Noah and Lyrica walk up to them. The teens anxiously rise, awaiting the verdict.

"He's sleeping now." Lyrica sighs. "And he's just fine."

"He doesn't remember much." Noah explains. "It's a bit like a dream to him. Thank you."

"It was that repellent we sprayed in the coyote den to keep other animals out." McCall explains. "I couldn't go near it without my eyes watering. It's just a good thing he mentioned it over the phone."

"No, it was more than that. Thank you." Noah persists.

"It was a lucky connection." Rafael denies.

"McCall, can you shut up please and accept my sincerest gratitude?" Noah holds out his hand.

"Accepted." McCall clasps his hand in the sheriff's.

"All right you two. You've got school in less than 6 hours." Lyrica tells Scott and Lydia.

"Go home. Go to sleep." Melissa sighs, hugging her son.

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