Issue #18 - A Dance With A Devil

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"Why, of course." I smiled back, hiding my internal freak out.

Okay, shit, Bloodwraith is here. That means someone is going to die.

There's no way she recognized me, right? I was wearing a ski mask last time and our encounter was only like a minute long. There's no way I'm her target...right...?

I took her hand and we walked onto the dance floor. We got into position and started to dance with everyone else, her eyes not leaving mine.

"Isn't this a fun coincidence?" She smiled. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

"You make it sound like it wasn't one." I replied. "And I think you're mistaking me for someone else."

She grinned in response. "No, I am sure I recognize you. You smell the same, though there is the scent of another woman this time."

Excuse me whaaaat.

"I still think you have the wrong person." I nervously chuckled.

"I know you were the one under the ski mask." She whispered, leaning in. "So what's the name, handsome?"

"Richard." I replied. "A happily married man."

She rolled her eyes. "I want the real name."

"I don't want to blow my cover." I whispered back. "And I'd rather not get umbrella'd tonight."

"Fair enough." She grinned. "Another time then, you incredible dancer."

"Oh please, praise me more." I winked. "Flattery will you get you everywhere."

"Good to know. I'll be keeping that in mind." She smirked.

What is going on? This train is going off the rails.

Please, my big mouth, shut up!

"You know, you're the first one to ever see my face and live." She stated.

"I'm sure I can't be the first..." I nervously chuckled.

"You are." She replied. "I think I'll find you quite interesting."

Oh, great! It was just pure luck!

I need to make sure this crazy lady doesn't follow me back and murder me in the middle of the night.

"And what makes me so interesting?" I asked.

"I'm just going to keep that to myself for now." She giggled. "You're awfully calm."

No. No I am not.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I smirked.

She blinked, staring at me for a moment before a grin grew across her face once more. "You're right. Why would you be?"

I don't like that...

The song came to an end as we finally stopped dancing. I gave her a bow as she curtsied in response. She winked at me, blowing me a kiss as she sauntered off. A person blocked my view of her, and then it was as if she had disappeared in that second.

Why do these things happen to me...

I guess my charm is simply irresistible!

As if.

Hey, who let you out? Get back inside you little shit.

"Master. Who was that?" A voice came from the earpiece.

"I'll explain after, Sophie." I replied. "But we should be fine. For now."

The doors to the room opened as a person walked in. I took a good look at him, and after a few seconds I was able to confirm who it was despite the masquerade mask.

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