Interlude #1 - Ducks, Ice Cream, And Mirrors

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"That Ski Mask..." Stellar frowned. " doesn't matter what evil scheme you are cooking up right now. You aren't getting away the next time!"

She hollered to the heavens with a ferocious roar. In the mean time, her evil archnemesis...

...was currently taking a bath while playing with a rubber ducky.

"Squawk squawk." Jason giggled, before looking around. "Hold on, are we not in my perspective?"

He turns towards you, blinking in my surprise. "Huh. Well, enjoy this little intermission before we get back to the action!" He grinned, throwing you finger guns.

~ JAOH ~

Jason strolled down the street, whistling a tune to himself. He bobbed his head up and down, an epic soundtrack playing in his mind.

"Where is he going...?" Alexis muttered to herself, secretly following him from a short distance. He said he had something urgent to do, and that activated all of her alarm bells.

" he meeting another girl?!" She whisper-yelled to herself, tightening her fists.

Jason turned around, having an odd feeling he was being watched. He glanced around, not seeing anyone familiar. He then shrugged to himself, continuing on his merry way.

Alexis sighed a breath of relief, moving out from behind the alley she had quickly dashed into. She continued to follow the still completely unaware man.

"How dare she follow him..." Eleanor bit at her fingernails, sitting on top of a nearby roof. She pulled out her binoculars, watching as Alexis followed Jason.

She hopped from one roof to another, making sure she was sticking closely to them but still out of sight. Well, not that they would notice her anyways.

Eleanor continued to glare at Alexis, sending metaphorical daggers upon the girl. She couldn't believe she would stalk her love like this! It wasn't like that was exactly Eleanor's plan when Jason said he had something major to do.

No, not at all! She was only doing this to prevent Alexis from doing anything to Jason! That was the only reason! She didn't care where Jason was currently going.

She grit her teeth, continuing to stare through the binoculars at the two of them with a burning gaze.

"They're following Master..." Sophie muttered to herself, flying above the buildings. She activated zoom on her vision, getting a clear picture of Eleanor, Alexis, and her Master.

Master obviously had something very important to do with how he rushed out of the house. That was no reason for Alexis to follow him, nor for Eleanor to follow the mobster.

However, even Sophie couldn't help but wonder what was so important to Master that he would rush out so quickly without asking for help. She was his faithful servant, he knows that she would always be available to help him.

But if it was a girl...

A dark look overtook Sophie's face as the continued to follow Eleanor, who followed Alexis, who followed Jason.

And in the distance, not too far away from Sophie, flew a singular bee. It buzzed something that only a bee could understand, closely following the flying robot.

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