Issue #20 - It Couldn't Have Gone Worse

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The man with the dragonfly wings zoomed towards Mother Wasp, the appendages on his back flapping with a buzz. On his hands were two metal wrists blades attached to a forearm sleeve which he used to wildly swing at his target.

Mother Wasp barely dodged another slice, wincing as her dress was cut and a red line was left on her skin. Bees swarmed the man, only for him to fly away from them quicker than they could attack him.

Those dragonfly wings were allowing him to fly in an erratic, zig-zag like pattern that couldn't be predicted and could barely be followed. I pulled out my pistol, trying to see if I could land a shot on him.

He's too fast. And if I try shooting I have a risk of hitting Mother Wasp. I'm just going to have to sneak up on him.

Mother Wasp continued to dodge as I crouched down and quickly made my way over, trying to be as quiet and small as possible. He flew all around, too focused on Mother Wasp to notice me. Now all I need to do is find a time to strike...

And then I saw him zoom towards the floor, near enough. Perfect!

He tried to move again, only for me to jump on his back. I tried to stab him in the neck with my switchblade only for my weapon to be swatted to the side.

He grabbed me, throwing me over his head and onto the ground. He looked back up to see Mother Wasp's fist connect with his face, sending him stumbling backwards.

He reoriented himself, tilting his head at us with a maniacal grin across her face. He flew towards Mother Wasp once again. She dodged, connecting a punch to his stomach. With another missed swing from the dragonfly man she connected another punch to the head.

He cackled, swinging at her once again. This time when she threw another punch he was ready, catching her fist. He quickly swung his leg, sweeping her off of her feet and slamming her into the ground. Before she could retaliate he stabbed one of his blades into her side, making her gasp.

A bang rang out as a bullet lodged itself into his shoulder. He roared in pain, pulling the blade out as he stumbled backwards. I shot once again only for him to take off once more, moving too quickly for me to hit him again.

"Hey asshole, looking for this?" I reholstered the pistol, waving around the usb with my other hand.

He immediately changed direction to straight at me.

Oh shit!

I pocketed the usb, gripping my switchblade that I had picked up again. I barely dodged as he passed by, grabbing onto the back of his clothes. I was carried with his force, hanging onto his back as I was suddenly flown around.

I stabbed the knife into his back, getting a scream in pain as he tried to shake me off. I gripped onto the knife, trying my damned best to not slip off and break a leg.

Mother Wasp stood up, clutching her side. She grit her teeth, giving out a short whistle. More and more wasps and bees started to flood into the room, all surrounding her.

I could barely tell what was going on as I desperately grabbed at the dragonfly man to keep myself hanging onto him. Before I knew it Mother Wasp and her cluster of bees and wasps burst through the ceiling with us shortly following.

"My masquerade mask!" I yelled as it flew off of my face from all of the sudden turning, flying away. "Damn it, it looked awesome!"

I grabbed at the the man's face, struggling to take control of this crazy ride I somehow found myself on. I looked over to the cluster of bees, only to gasp as I realized they had morphed into the shape of a giant human.

"Alright buddy, playtime is over!" I said, gripping at his face with both of my hands. "You're getting grounded!"

I stabbed my fingers into his eyes, causing him to scream and start descending downwards as he didn't know where to go. I held onto his back, trying to use him to cushion my fall as we slammed into the ground.

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