Issue #67 - Oh God Not Again

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"Do I...uh, do I know you?" I warily questioned, staring at the new arrival which stared back in pure shock.

"You're alive." She gasped.

"It's...not exactly as you think, Lisa." Siren interjected. "He's not Miracle."

"What? But he's right there!" The woman known as Lisa frantically pointed at me. "Sitting with-!"

She froze as she looked over everyone once more. "Is that Alexis Cromwell?! And Mother Wasp?! AND THE MAID?!"

She rapidly looked in between us and Siren as if repeatedly checking to make sure she was seeing things right. "Why are there criminals in your house, Julia?!"

"Aw, I didn't get recognized." Eleanor dramatically sighed.

"That's a good thing." Hikari rolled her eyes, flicking Eleanor on the forehead.

"Yeah, you should probably sit down." Siren lead Lisa to the kitchen table, sitting her down. "I have a little bit to explain."

"Am I going crazy? Everyone is acting as if this is normal..." Lisa muttered as she stared at all of us.

You'll get used to it.

"That Jason over there isn't Miracle. He's his clone." Siren stated, dropping a metaphorical bomb on the freaking-out woman.

"...what?" Lisa questioned in disbelief.

"Who is also named Jason." Siren added.

"Hey, what's up." I greeted with a wave.

"Why?!" Lisa exclaimed.

"He wasn't good at making names." I shrugged.

"Just like my daughter..." She sighed, before suddenly gasping. "My daughter! She's missing!" She shot upright, slamming her hands on the table.

"I saw on the television." Siren softly spoke, walking over and hugging Lisa. "It'll be okay Lisa. Your daughter is strong."

You saw it on the television...?

Oh shit!

Stellar's mom?!

Well, I guess that explains how she knows me. Sort of.

"I'm worried sick. She hasn't done this before." Lisa spoke. "And I can't help thinking about how Miracle still hasn't been found..."

Nor will he ever.

I felt my fists tighten. Was it because we knocked her out? Did someone arrive there before she woke up and then kidnapped her?

Will what happened to Miracle happen to her?


I refuse to allow that to happen.

I will not be the death of another hero. Let alone the very one that Miracle told me Gabriel looked up so highly to.

"It's going to be okay, Lisa." Siren reassured her. "We'll-"

Before she could finish speaking a knock suddenly rang out on the door. We all turned towards the door in silence.

"I wasn't expecting anyone..." Siren muttered.

"Well, at least this person didn't barge in-" As soon as I spoke those words a fist slammed straight through the door as if it was as strong as a piece of paper.

Me and my big mouth-

"Jason..." Stellar's voice came from the door as her fist retracted. Her eye looked through the hole she made, analyzing the room as best as she could.

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