Issue #75 - A Talk With The Statue

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I stood in front of the Miracle statue, everyone having left the park long ago. After my little freak out at the revelations of the true nature of the AVMF, we headed back to Siren's house and met back up with the rest of the group.

And then I told them I needed a walk alone to get my thoughts sorted out, so here I am. Right in front of the monument to honor the hero that died because of me.

If I'm being honest, one of the girls is probably watching me right now. For all I know, Eleanor is standing right beside me, basically invisible as long as she doesn't do something to grab my attention.

Or maybe Stellar is flying above, or Sophie. More likely there's at least one bee flying around here. But I don't really mind if they're looking over me.

I just needed a moment by myself to breathe.

"Fuck, man..." A low chuckle escaped my mouth as I looked up at Miracle's statue. "Things are just getting worse, aren't they?"

"I let myself get captured and look what's happened. The bastard made even more clones." I spat. "And now he's made them his little soldiers."

"I wish you were here." I sighed. "I think you would've known what to do. Or maybe you'd just stumble yourself into the right answer with that luck of yours."

"I promise Miracle, I'm going to make them pay." I stated. "And I'll save the clones that bastard created."

"Just like how you saved me..." I chuckled, wiping a tear away.

I stretched my body, cracking my back and then my knuckles. I'm feeling a little better, but there's just one more stop I have left on the list.

I walked away from Miracle's statue, leaving the park and heading towards my next destination for the night. I was heading to the underground hospital that Gabriel was currently staying at.

And to clarify, I mean the criminal underground, not a literal underground. Sometimes you just need to get medical care under the radar, y'know?

It costs more, but it's worth keeping Gabriel safe. I have no doubt that Stromford would find and use Gabriel against me if he was sitting in a normal hospital.

I made my way to the secret hospital, giving the secret code which allowed entrance. I checked in at the receptionist, then headed towards the room that situated Gabriel.

I stood in front of the door to his room, grasping the doorknob and opening the door. I slipped in quietly, closing the door behind me.

Lying on the lone bed was Gabriel, a tube going into his nose and a smaller one inserted into his forearm. It was your typical hospital scene for the most part.

I pulled up a chair, sitting down on it and next to Gabriel's bed. "Hey Gabriel..." I greeted. "...sorry, it's been a while."

I looked at him, at the person whose was both my brother and not. I knew so much about him thanks to Miracle's stories, and yet I've never shared a single memory with him.

Every moment with Gabriel has been me sitting next to his bed. Waiting, praying, that someday he would wake up. That someday he'll escape the prison he finds himself in.

Every time, pretending to be his real brother.

"I'm sorry, it's just been so hectic recently." I stated. "I'll try to visit more often."

I sat there, looking at his unresponsive body, and took a deep breath.

"Gabriel, forgive me for this." I whispered. "But I'll do anything to make you better."

I pulled out a water bottle I had stashed on me, along with one of my little blood capsules. I carefully handled Gabriel, making him lightly sit up.

I know I'm probably doing something terribly stupid. But I have to try. I mean, it worked with Alexis! She's healed, and she even got a second one of those bizzare hands.

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