Issue #38 - My Archnemesis, The Ski Mask

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(Stellar POV)

Six times.


I almost had him this time. He was unconscious. If that damn maid of his hadn't almost collapsed the whole building and possibly caused multiple innocent fatalities, then I would've had him!

I flew through the air, quickly returning back towards the original random clothing store that this had all started at. Everyone was safe and evacuated, and now I needed to check on Foxfire. She was left alone with Mother Wasp and whoever that other girl was.

I landed down on the ground right outside the store, seeing Foxfire sitting down outside. She was fiddling with her katana, staring down at it as I approached her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm...fine." Foxfire stated. "No injuries here."

It was tough to tell with the distorted voice through the mask, but I feel like she didn't feel fine, even if she physically was.

"Both of them escaped." Foxfire admitted, before standing up. "I...have some things to do. I'll see you later."

Before I could even respond Foxfire was already running off, disappearing into an alley. I stood there by myself for a moment, before blasting off into the sky.

I stared down at the city from far above, looking at the busy and bustling life. Why did I fly all the way up here? This is why.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I screamed, tearing at my hair as I rotated in the air.

Never before has any villain escaped me six whole times in my five years of being a hero. Not a single one.

Except for him.

Ski Mask.

My archenemy.

If anyone deserves the title, it's him. Not that I want to give it to him, of course. That's ridiculous. All I want is to see him behind bars.

What the hell was he even doing at a clothing store? He was in a brawl with The Maid, Mother Wasp, some random goth girl, and Alexis Cromwell.

Damn it. I want to go after Alexis Cromwell but I won't be able to. The Cromwells have an undeniable influence here in Champion City, and considering that it seemed like Ski Mask was against her, I can't get them for that.

But for some reason, I feel like it's not as simple as it seems. There's something more going on here. Like why is it always women that are around him? Is that his power? Seduction? Pheromones?

God, now I'm becoming a damn theorist.

"I didn't realize you were that kinky, Stellar." His voice mocked me.

I grit my teeth as I felt my face heat up. That is not the reason I want to see you in cuffs, you bastard! I am not interested in re-enacting that one scene from that damn fanfiction!

"Wow, am I that desirable, Stellar?" I smirked. "You came all this way for me-!"

Because you're my archnemesis, obviously. That is how it works. The hero pursues the archnemesis in order to put them behind bars and restore peace to the city.

It is not because of any attraction! Absolutely not! That's just insane to even suggest!

Who the hell am I even arguing against? I'm floating high above in the sky away from everyone else.

"God damn it..." I angrily muttered to myself as I slowly floated my way back down towards the city, replaying the events of today in mind and how I could've done things differently. My current training still isn't enough. I need to up it even further.

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