Issue #44 - Robot Versus Robot

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(Sophie POV)

I do not quite understand.

While I never met the first and second model, I had assumed they were failures as well from everything that I had witnessed. Were these models made after me? Had the program been restarted?

I am not quite sure. Whatever the answer is, it does not matter. Current priority is getting Master out of here, which will prove a difficult task.

Stellar is unconscious thanks to the poison on the bee's stinger. That should last long enough to allow me to escape from here.

I do not detect Bloodwraith. She is either unconscious or is lying in wait. Phantom is still going against Foxfire, putting up a strong and equal fight.

Prototype is in front of me and Isolation is behind me. Prototype has large, metal claws for weapons while Isolation created a spear. However, I believe her abilities lie further than simply that.

"Sister." Isolation glanced past me, looking towards Prototype. "Secondary objective has been achieved."

"Perfect!" Prototype grinned. "Only one thing left to do!"

Prototype's eyes connected with mine as I suddenly felt a force strongly pushing me downwards. The pavement cracked under my feet as my processors quickly analyzed the situation.

I understand. Ferrokinesis. In simpler terms, metal manipulation. She's pulling me down into the ground with her ability to control metal. It is likely what has allowed her to create those large, metallic claws.

She rushed towards me as I stayed still, analyzing her approaching movements. Isolation rushed towards us from behind, stabbing her spear forwards only for Master to grab it and start a tug of war.

Prototype closed one of her metallic claws into a fist, slamming it down. I quickly pulled my hands up and powered through the downwards pull on my metallic frame. I caught the large fist, causing her to pause in surprise.

"You will not harm my Master." I stated, widening my feet as I swung her around and tossed her into Isolation.

Master ducked under the flying robots, now holding Isolation's spear. He grinned to himself, twirling it around with a surprising skill and grace he has exhibited once before.

"All right, now we're talking." He grinned, standing next to me as he readied the spear.

Prototype and Isolation quickly jumped back onto their feet. Prototype kept her eyes glued to me, having realized now that I could still perform well even when she was constantly pushing me into the ground with her power. Whether she realizes it or not I am slower than usual with the interference.

Isolation extended her arm out, and the spear in Master's hands evaporated into purple particles which flew towards her. They flew into her outstretched hand, turning into a purple sword this time.

"Oh come on!" Master yelled.

"She is stronger than I imagined, Sister." Prototype glanced towards Isolation, a smile still on her face. "I will hold her off. Get the main objective."

"Understood." Isolation nodded.

"Master." I whispered. "Run. Escape. I cannot protect you and deal with them both. Once I am done with Prototype I will follow you."

"Stay safe, Sophie." Master replied. He quickly darted to the side, running as Isolation quickly followed.

I must handle Prototype fast. I rushed towards her, my body more sluggish thanks to the constant and powerful pull downwards. Prototype swung both of her claws in a clapping motion. I extended my arms, catching them and throwing them to the side.

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