Issue #21 - The Origin Of The Wasp

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(Mother Wasp POV)

I stared at my precious little worker wasp and his robot companion. It was time to finally explain the events of the last two years that led to today.

My real name is Aurelia Gardenia, dearies.

After college I worked a few different jobs, trying to make my way up through the scientific fields in order to make a difference. To help people.

Where I specifically specialized in was the study of bees, wasps, and other hymenopteran life forms and how we can utilize them to our best benefit.

A bee sting may hurt, but ultimately they are very important little creatures. I always had a fondness for them, enough for me to base my whole research off of them.

So when I got a job offer at Stromford Industries to be a researcher, one that could continue studying on bees, wasps, and the like, I immediately took the opportunity.

It was a dream come true.

Or at least, that's what I thought back then. Now I wish I hadn't. I suppose you could actually call it a nightmare in disguise.

It was for six months that I conducted my research. Studying the insects, conducting experiments, creating various ideas and papers on how they could help others.

I guess what I saw as good progress was worth nothing to Stromford. I was thrilled when the CEO of the company came to visit my researching lab in the South Stromford Facilities himself.

"Mr. Stromford!" I excitedly gasped. "It is a pleasure to see you here! How may I help you?"

Killian Stromford looked around the room with a cold look. It wasn't exactly the cleanest, with different papers and other items strewn across tables and desks. At the desk I was just sitting at was a sealed simulated habitat that a few wasps flew around in.

"Ms. Gardenia, correct?" Killian Stromford asked.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"You're fired." He stated.

"I...what...?" I paused, looking at him in shock.

Did...did I hear him right?

"It has been six months and your research hasn't been of any use." He adjusted his suit. "So I found another use for you."

"What are you-?" I questioned.

He snapped his fingers, two guards walking in.

"Get her." He nodded towards me. "And you, get the bugs."

The two guards nodded. One of them turned towards me, staring me straight in the eyes as he started to walk forwards.

"H-hey, what's going on?!" I demanded, my heart pounding as I started to back up.

What is happening? What is going on?

The guard continued to walk towards me, and my fight or flight instincts kicked in. I tried to dabs past him, only for him to grab me by the wrist. I turned back in fear only to see a fist approaching my face.

I blacked out after that.

I sighed to myself, running a hand through my hair. My little henchman looked at me, a frown upon his face.

"You were experimented on." Jason concluded.

"Yes." I nodded. "I was."

My vision started to return as I came to. I was staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. I tried to move, before realizing that I couldn't. I was laid on a metal table, metal restraints on my wrists, ankles, and stomach. I wiggled and struggled to no avail.

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