Issue #52 - This Curse I Bear

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(Foxfire POV)

I pocketed the usb into my pocket, frowning to myself as they escaped. He just tried to bomb a whole building.

And yet I still cannot bring myself to hate him.

Damn it, Hikari.

"He escaped." Isolation frowned.

"Two times now." Prototype added.

"You're making it worse, Sister." Isolation replied.

Suddenly Stellar slammed onto the roof, quickly looking around with narrowed eyes.

"Where is he?" She questioned, glaring towards Prototype.

"He escaped." Prototype replied with a shrug. "Is that really a surprise?"

"No, it's not." Stellar stated. "I'm not surprised someone other than his archnemesis wasn't able to catch him."

My fist involuntarily tightened. For some reason I don't like the way she said that. Is it because I don't want him caught...?

"He's escaped you more times than he's escaped us." Isolation argued, crossing her arms. "We've caught him once."

"Did you now?" Stellar replied, taking a step closer. "And after going off the radar for a few hours you finally reported you lost him."

She leaned forwards, getting close to Isolation's face. "I don't buy it. I think you got outsmarted and were too embarrassed to admit it."

"Kindly, take a step away from my Sister." Prototype placed her hand on Stellar's shoulder, a smile on her face.

Stellar glanced towards her.

"Kindly, be useful for once." Stellar spat. "Three of you and not a single one could catch him."

A ferocious glare was shared between the two. Isolation and Prototype backed off, exiting the roof as Stellar continued to stand there. And then she turned towards me.

"Why did he want you?" Stellar questioned, walking up and pointing an accusatory finger at me.

"He just needed any hero." I replied, annoyance seeping through me. "He's messing with the Administration."

"He asked for you." Stellar stated. "Specifically. What aren't you telling me?"

That I know who he is.

"I'm not hiding anything." I scoffed. "He gave me an usb to give to the Administration. That's all."

"You shouldn't trust anything from that man." Stellar replied.

"I know that." I hissed.

I know...

Stellar continued to coldly gaze at me, before finally turning away. What was up with her today?

"He's my archnemesis." She growled to herself, before launching into the sky and flying away.

I watched her with narrowed eyes until I couldn't see her anymore. What is with her and Jason, huh? It's almost like she's obsessed.

When he should be mine.

I sighed to myself, running and jumping off of the building and onto a nearby rooftop. I started to move from rooftop to rooftop, making my way towards the Administration headquarters.

Unfortunately my motorcycle is in repairs from another fight. That's the second time it's been trashed now, the first one being when I was chasing Jason after he hijacked that van.

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