Issue #50 - I Knew He Was A Threat

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(Stellar POV)

"You're telling me..." I rubbed my forehead in frustration, standing in the lobby of the Administration headquarters. The receptionist nervously smiled at me from the desk.

"...that neither Prototype nor Isolation have turned Ski Mask in yet?" I questioned.

"They have yet to appear at the Administration and report capturing Ski Mask, Miss Stellar." The receptionist fidgeted.

"Where the hell are they?" I hissed under my breath, walking out of the building. I blasted into the sky, gazing over the city.

Looks I'll be doing even more patrolling today than usual. My college assignment isn't due until tomorrow, I have time to spare.

I flew around the city, looking for any sign of Ski Mask and his lackeys. And of course I didn't find any of them. Where the hell did they go?

I wouldn't find out until later, but apparently the two of them appeared hours later, seemingly from a big fight, and without Ski Mask. Apparently he escaped them.

That doesn't surprise me.

But something still isn't right. I know that something isn't right. Where were they for all of those hours? What were they doing with Ski Mask?

I refuse to believe they were battling for hours straight. So either Ski Mask escaped quickly and they didn't report it for some reason, or they were with Ski Mask for much longer than they stated.

But why? Why would they do that...?

What could they possibly want with him?

Countless theories passed through my mind, but I simply didn't have enough of anything for something concrete.

All I know is that those two are suspicious.

I'll be keeping my eye on them, at least, when Ski Mask isn't causing trouble. My archnemesis is the number one priority for obvious reasons.

And just like that, a whole month passed.

Not a single appearance of Ski Mask. Not a single time he randomly caused trouble. Even his associates haven't done anything. The Maid, Mother Wasp, and Alexis Cromwell have all been completely under the radar.

He must be planning something.

Villains don't just sit around and do nothing. The only time they get to do that is when they're in prison.

So Ski Mask and his group being quiet and staying off of the radar is nothing good. He's up to something, and all I can do is be prepared for when he appears.

They don't understand just how big of a threat he is. But I do.

I was currently standing inside of a large training room alone. It was one of the multiple they had in the large underground training complex under the Administration headquarters, with various different tech and supplies to help us hone our abilities and become stronger.

And sitting in front of me was a large boulder, taller than I was. Yes, this was the piece of technology I was going to use. A large rock.

Perfect. I had specifically requested for this, so I'm glad that they got it for me. I wanted to try testing my power in a new way.

I brought my fingers up to the middle of the boulder, preparing to flick the rock. Without holding back I let out the most powerful flick I could, creating cracks across the rock's surface.

I bit my lower lip in pain, before flicking at the rock again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

It took me a full minute of continuous flicks until the rock fully cracked in half all the way through. I stared down at my hands, seeing my bloody and battered fingers.

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