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"Alright ready to pitch a tent?" Sam asked as we finished unpacking all of the things we bought. "There will be no pitching of any tents other than these ones right here, got it boys?" Ki asked and glared at Sam, Colby, and Justin.

"Jesus, Ki. Are you gonna make everything sexual?" Colby asked as she nodded. "Yep! Get used to it." She said as I bent down and grabbed one of the tents.

"Let's make it a challenge, girls versus guys." Sam said and clapped his hands together. "You sure you wanna do that, boyscout?" I asked as Justin went to set up the camera.

"Oh, you're going down." He said and squinted at me as I turned towards the girls. "Have you guys ever pitched a tent?" I asked as they laughed. "Nope." They said at the same time.

"Great. Well, we are just gonna read the directions and we'll win. They'll never read them." I said as Ki pointed at me. "That's true." She said as we turned to the guys.

"Whoever gets the tents up first doesn't have to go find firewood." Colby said and held his hand out. "Deal." I said then shook his hand.

"Let's go girls." I said then carried the tent over to the edge of the campsite. "Okay. We need to get the parts out." I said then grabbed the instructions. "There's so many! Why are there so many?" Kat asked as she filmed us.

"It's a big ass tent." I said with a shrug then read the instructions. "I'm already bored.." Ki said as I sighed. "We can't let them win because I'm tired and don't want to get the fire wood." I said then started to get to work.

"Just follow what I do." I said then started to put the metal pieces together. We got our mostly up before I heard Colby laugh. "Ha! We won!" He yelled as I looked over and gasped.

"Nooooo!!!" Kat yelled as I frowned. "Not fair." Ki said as I turned to finish building the tent. "How does it feel being a loser?" Sam asked as he and Colby came over. I just shook my head and laughed. I wasn't a sore loser by any means but I definitely hated when other people would win things.

Maybe that was the exact definition of being a sore loser.

I didn't care.

"Come on, V. Don't be mad." Colby teased as I finished building the tent. "I'm not mad, I'm totally fine." I said then looked at him. "Good, it's pretty cold out here so we need a fire." He said as I squinted at him.

"Alright, you won. Fair and square." I said then looked at the girls. "We gotta go get the wood." I said as they groaned. "We didn't make the deal though..." Ki said and pursed her lips as I laughed. "Fair. Okay, I'll be back then." I said then walked off.

"Don't go alone!" Colby called out as I breathed a laugh. "I'll be within earshot the whole time, don't worry." I said then turned and winked at him.

When I walked off I kept my eyes out for usable dry wood, but I kept getting distracted. The world was just such a beautiful place, it would be a shame if I didn't soak it in while I was here.

I ended up sitting down on the edge of a cliff side, just looking down at the foggy clearing.

"Violet?!" Colby called out causing me to chuckle. "Over here!" I yelled then looked towards the direction of his voice. "What are you doing?" He asked and came over to me.

"Sorry...I got distracted." I said as he sat next to me. "I'm not surprised." He said and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.

"I couldn't help myself. It's literally gorgeous out here." I whispered and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I knew you'd love it." He said and rubbed my arm gently. "Yeah yeah. To be fair I'd love anywhere." I said and looked up at him.

He was looking down at me with so much love it caused my heart to flutter. "Thanks for coming with us." He said as I leaned up and kissed him. "Thanks for letting me come." I said then leaned away.

"Alright, I have to get to work." I said then stood up and held my hand out to help him up. "Will you keep me company?" I asked as he stood up. "Yeah, I'll help you." He said as I grinned. "Good." I said then patted his chest once then walked towards the woods again.

Colby and I spent the next twenty minutes collecting enough wood to make a fire for the night. The sun was already going down which meant it was only getting colder by the minute.

When we got back to the campsite we set the wood up and started trying to light the fire, but it wasn't working very well.

"Why isn't it working?" Ki asked as I shivered against the wind. "I think it's just too windy." Colby said as he focused. "Let's try this." Sam said then took his jacket off and covered the wood pile so it could be shielded from the wind.

Colby sighed then lit the lighter, attempting to light the fire again. This time it actually caught, causing me to let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god." I mumbled then rubbed my hands together, trying to warm them up.

"We should probably set up the sleeping bags and stuff before the sun goes down fully. It's gonna get pretty dark out here." Sam said as I nodded. "How are we sleeping?" I asked and stood up to go grab the sleeping bags.

"Colby Justin and I in one tent, you guys in the other? Does that work?" Sam asked as I nodded. "That works." I said then went to set up the inside of the tent.

"Thank god, we won't have to deal with boy stench." Ki said as I laughed. "Yeah, that's why I'm okay with this." I said with a laugh then started fanning out the sleeping bags and blankets.

"Are you okay?" She asked as I nodded. "Yeah, I think I'm just getting really tired." I said with a yawn. "Me too, I'm also kinda nervous. It's gonna be so dark and scary out here when the sun sets." She said and shivered.

"Yeah, we'll be okay though...we can all just hang out in the tents with lanterns." I said then finished setting up our tent.

When we walked back to the fire everyone was sitting around trying to warm up.

"Do you think Taco Bell will deliver out here? I'm hungry." Kat said causing everyone to laugh. "No, but we can make hot dogs." Sam said and pointed to the cooler.

"That sounds strangely good right now." Ki said as I leaned on Colby's shoulder since we weren't filming right now. "Wow Ki, I'm surprised you didn't make some sort of wiener joke." Colby said as she gasped.

"Damnit! Missed opportunity." She said as everyone laughed. We spent the next couple hours making food and drinking since there really was nothing else to do in the woods.

We filmed a couple things and ended up chilling in the girls tent until we decided it was late and that we needed to go to bed.

"What's on the schedule for tomorrow?" I asked as the guys started collecting their stuff. "Well, we are going exploring, then we're gonna attempt to fish, and there's some caves on the other side of the mountain we wanted to check out." Sam said as Colby wrapped his arms around me.

"Sounds fun. We'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I asked then looked at Colby. "Sleep well, beautiful." He said then kissed me. I kissed him back for a second before pulling away. "Stay warm." I said and scrunched my nose at him as he stood up.

"Are we gonna cuddle?" Kat asked as she shivered. "Of course we are." I said with a laugh as we all scooted closer to eachother. "Goodnight, love you." I said and snuggled into them. "Goodnight! Love you too!" They both chirped.

I didn't know if I was just exhausted or if it was actually comfortable sleeping in sleeping bags in a tent. I was out like a light though.

That was until 4am when Ki shook me awake. "V. Get up." She whispered with a tearfilled voice. "What's wrong?" I asked and sat up. Ki was looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Something is out there." She whispered shakily as I shook my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I heard what she was hearing

A growl.

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