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Colby's POV

The storm didn't end up dying down until around 4am. I let out a sigh of relief when I looked down to see Violet sleeping soundly in my arm, though. I could tell she didn't sleep the night before, but I didn't want to bring it up.

I ended up falling asleep around 4:30 and didn't wake up until noon. The tent was empty which meant everyone was up and exploring.

"There you are!" Sam said with a laugh as everyone turned to look at me. "Sorry, I couldn't sleep during the storm." I said as Violet came over and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Good morning." She said quietly then kissed me.

"Good morning. How's your head?" I asked and tilted her head down slightly so I could see the bump on it. "Classic hematoma. No biggie." She said as I scrunched my nose. "You're too smart for me, V." I said as Ki groaned.

"Can y'all get a room?!" She asked as I flipped her off and pulled Violet in for another kiss.

"Here, eat up." Violet said and handed me a sandwich. "Thanks, babe." I said then took a bite of the sandwich only to bite into bread filled with mud. "That's for messing with me." She said as everyone laughed. "She got me earlier with it." Sam said as I spit the mud out of my mouth.

"Fair is fair." I said as Violet offered me a water bottle. I looked at it cautiously before she laughed. "It's just regular water, I promise." She said then unscrewed the cap and took a sip before handing it to me again.

I swished the water in my mouth then spit it out. "What's on the agenda today?" Kat asked as Sam grinned. "White water rafting." He said as Violet smiled widely. "Wait, seriously?!" She asked and looked at me.

"It's the last day, we have to go out with a bang." I said as Sam's phone rang. "It's John." He said then got up and walked away. "Who's John?" Violet asked as she made me a new sandwich.

"The instructor for today." I said as she nodded. "Ooooo we're getting a professional." Ki said and wiggled her eyebrows. "Why do we have to get back in the freezing ass water though?" Kat whined as Violet handed me my sandwich.

"Because there's nothing else to do that's fun." I said and stuck my tongue out at her. "He's gonna be at the river in twenty minutes so we have to hurry." Sam said as everyone stood up. "Let me just eat then we can go." I said and took a bite of the pb&j.

I quickly ate as everyone got ready to go. I was pretty excited for our adventure today because I didn't have to worry so much about things going wrong because we had a professional with us.

When we got to the river, John was there holding two rafts under his arms. "Hey guys!" He said as Sam and I went to shake his hand. "Are we ready to have some fun?" He asked as I nodded. "Yep!" I said then held my arm out to Violet.

"So I'm gonna have you guys split up then we can get started." John said and turned to get the rafts ready.

We decided that Sam, Justin, and I would be on one raft, and the girls would be on the other for the first ride.

We all settled into our rafts then got started. We made our way down the raging river, laughing and screaming as the waves crashed along the rafts.

It was honestly the most fun I've had in a while.

We switched off who was in each raft as we went so the video would have some diversity in the shots. "This is crazy!" Violet yelled with a laugh as she held onto the edge of the raft.

My heart skipped a beat at how big and beautiful her smile was. I could tell she was finally letting loose and having fun, which made my heart happy.

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