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A/N: people were upset with the way the story was going so I rewrote this chapter and the chapter after it. Please forget what I wrote last time since it's no longer part of the story. Thanks. (This is before they even got into the hotel.)

"What's the verdict?" Jake asked as I walked back over to the guys. "They're gonna sneak us in, we just have to wait 30 minutes." I said as Colby grinned at me.

"How'd you do it?" He asked as I bundled my sleeves in my hands. "I might have flirted with the guards." I said with a laugh. "I don't know whether I should be mad or proud." Colby said causing me to laugh.

"Proud because we're getting in." I said and looked up at the building again. "I told you tits would get us in." Jake said and patted my back. "I didn't use my tits, I used my charming personality. Thank you very much." I said then bowed.

"What should we do for the next thirty minutes?" Sam asked as Colby wrapped his arm around my waist. "We should have a plan." I said as Sam walked to the trunk of the car.

"Well I assume this should be involved." He said and pulled out a Ouija board. "Hell no." Corey said and shook his head. "Come on dude, how else are we going to get in contact with the spirits in here?" Jake asked as I looked up at the building again.

I could have sworn I saw someone in one of the windows, staring down at us. I felt a shiver run down my spine as the person lifted their hand, curling their finger at me as if they were summoning me to come upstairs.

I was caught in a trance until Colby nudged my shoulder slightly. "V." He said as I shook my head, bringing myself back to reality. "Sorry, what's up?" I asked and looked at him. "Are you okay with using the Ouija board?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, that's fine." I said then looked back up at the hotel, noticing that the person in the window was gone.

"Weird." I mumbled to myself then turned back to the guys. "Jake, do you know what rooms are going to have high amounts of activity?" I asked and took a step closer to Colby.

"Yeah, of course. I also know which elevator to go to." Jake said as I nodded. "Sounds good, I'm excited." I said then smiled and clapped excitedly.

We waited around for a little while before we made our way to the guards again. "Go to the back entrance." Anthony said and gestured to the alleyway to the left of the building.

I felt myself tense up at the idea that this could be a trick and they could be murdering us. I knew that was just the paranoia, but I was still freaked out.

"Okay, will someone let us in?" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah, they know you're coming." Anthony said as I nodded then smiled. "Thank you." I said then turned to walk towards the ally.

"Do you think this is a trap?" I asked quietly as we walked down the dark alleyway. "I don't think so, just stay behind me though. Just in case." He said and took my hand.

I didn't like feeling vulnerable but it was certain moments like this that I couldn't help it.

We walked to the back of the building then walked to the back door. "Okay, I'm gonna knock." Jake said then walked up and knocked on the door.

A couple seconds later the door opened, revealing a security guard. "Come on in." He said then opened the door more.

"Are we ready for this?" Sam asked and looked at all of us. "I don't know if we ever will be." Corey mumbled under his breath as Colby squeezed my hand.

"Let's go." I said then started walking into the building. As soon as my foot crossed the threshold I felt a weight on my chest. There was definitely something dark in here, I could feel it.

"This place is creepy." Colby said as we slowly walked through the lobby. The architecture of the building looked sturdy but also like it hadn't been touched in years.

"Yeah, what room are we going to first?" I asked Jake as something moved out of the corner of my eye.

I gasped then looked over to where I saw someone then let go of Colby's hand. All of the fear I was feeling melted away as I quickly walked over to see who watching us.

"Violet?" Colby asked as I looked around the open room which looked like it was a ballroom at some point. "Who's here?!" I called out as the guys came rushing over to me.

"V, there's nobody here." Sam said as I shook my head. "I swear I saw someone." I said then let out a sigh. "I must just be freaked out." I said then looked at the guys. They were all looking at me with the same confused and concerned look.

"Calm down guys, I'm fine." I said then looked at Jake. "Where are we going?" I asked again as he pulled out his phone. "506. That's one of Elisa Lam's rooms." He said as I nodded. "Let's go then." I said then walked to the elevator.

"V, slow down!" Colby said as they followed me. "Sorry, I'm just really excited to explore." I said then stopped so they could catch up. "I know you're excited but you're acting kinda strange." Colby said as we summoned the elevator.

"This place is just really creepy. I feel heavier in here." I admitted and looked at the guys. "You're definitely an empath dude." Sam said as I breathed a laugh. "Tell me something I don't know." I said as we filed into the elevator.

"Is this like....the elevator?" Corey asked as Jake shook his head. "No, we can go to that one next." He explained as Colby looked at them with confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked as we made our way to the fifth floor.

"The last place Elisa was seen was in an elevator in this hotel. She was acting super strange in the video.
I can pull it up when we go upstairs." Jake said as Colby nodded.

"We should probably do some sort of intro for this video, huh?" Sam said as the elevator doors opened. "Yeah, I honestly forgot we were going to film this." Colby said with a laugh as we walked into the hallway.

"Me too. Let's do this though." Sam said and pulled out the camera. "What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby." Colby said and waved at the camera. "Today we are at the Cecil hotel which is super hard to get into." Sam said as we slowly made our way down the hallway.

"We are here with Jake, Corey, and Violet, so it's going to be a really good time. Right now we are on the way to room 506 which was one of Elisa Lam's rooms." Colby explained.

I zoned out as they went over the history of the hotel.  I knew I should have been paying attention so I could add comments and be present in the video but I couldn't shake the feeling that was pooling in my chest.

It felt like there was a weight on my chest so heavy that it was dragging me down. I didn't want to say anything to the guys because I knew that this place had dark history.

"Here it is." Jake said and stopped in front of the room that had '506' written on it. "I just got chills dude." Corey said and rolled his sleeve up to show us his arm as I opened the door.

"It smells like old people in here." Jake said causing me to laugh. "I don't know what old people you're smelling but I think it just smells like dust." I said as I walked over to the window.

"Why is it so small?" Sam asked as he and Colby came in with the camera. "These rooms were probably super cheap." Jake said as I looked out the window. There was a fire escape that led to the roof which sent chills down my spine.

"It's crazy to think this was the last place she slept." Colby said as we walked over to film the entire room. "Yeah, she honestly could have been murdered in here too. Nobody knows what happened to her." I explained then reached for the Ouija board.

"Are we gonna use this thing or not?" I asked with a grin. "You wanna do it in here?" Sam asked as I nodded.

"No better place to do it, huh?" I asked then moved one of the foldable chairs that was in the middle of the room. "Guess not." Sam said as I sat on the ground.

Colby set the camera up as Sam set out the board. "Do you have salt?" I asked as Sam pulled out a salt shaker from the empty box.

"Jesus, why do you have that in there?" Corey asked as Sam laughed. "I don't want to get possessed." He said with a shrug as Colby sat down next to me.

"Ready?" He asked all of us as we put our fingers on the planchette.

"Ready." We all said at the same time.

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