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We spent the next couple of days in Kansas with Colby's family. It was nice to get away from LA for a little while but I was excited to be back.

We've been back in LA for a couple days so we were back to our regularly scheduled program. I was able to go back to work after passing the psychological test that I had to take after what happened with Peter.

Colby was a little weary about me going back which was understandable, but we were going to take it slow with me only working a couple days a week.

The guys have been busy since we got home since they needed to finish a couple more things for 25x25 before Colby's birthday in January.

I was so beyond proud of them for going after something so ambitious and working on it until the very end. I was genuinely surprised that Colby wanted to get back into it so fast after breaking his back, but he was more motivated than ever.

"Babe! Come in here!" Colby called out from the office as I read on the couch in his room. "Is it important?" I called out, looking up from my book. "Super duper important!" He yelled back causing me to breathe a laugh and set my book down so I could go into the office.

"What's up?" I asked as I walked into the room. "Pink or blue?" He asked as I laughed. "Are we doing a gender reveal?" I asked as he rolled his eyes and shook his head, turning the monitor of the computer towards me.

"Pink or blue?" He asked again as he flipped through two pictures of merch. One of the hoodies was pink with white accents and the other was blue with black accents.

"Oh...why not both?" I asked as he sighed. "We're already doing a yellow version and a green version and they only want three options." Sam explained as I nodded.

"Well...I'm gonna go with pink because green and yellow are more neutral and masculine color choices whereas pink will cater to the girly type." I said then pursed my lips. "But the blue makes your eyes look good." I said as Colby laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

"Aw, thanks baby." He said as I snorted. "I was talking about Sam." I said as he laughed and pushed me away.

"You're an ass." Colby said with a laugh. "That's me." I said then kissed his cheek. "So you think the pink one is the way to go?" Sam asked as I nodded. "Yeah, or maybe get rid of the green option and do both pink and blue." I said as he nodded.

"That's actually smart." Sam said as he scrolled through the options. "Anything else you need from me?" I asked and stood up straight. "Nope, thanks baby." Colby said then looked up at me with a grin.

"You're welcome, what time are you leaving?" I asked and looked at the time. "We're gonna finish this merch shit up, then we're gonna go." Colby said as I nodded. "I'll make you dinner, you're gonna need energy." I said and started walking out of the room.

"You're too good to us, V." Sam said as I nodded. "You don't make me pay rent, remember that." I said then winked and walked out of the room.

The guys were going dirt biking a couple hours away so I wanted to make a meal with a lot of protein so they would have energy. I decided to text Ki so she would come over since I was nervous about Colby going out to adventure again.

I hated that I worried about him so much, because he was an adult and could make good enough to not get hurt. He's been doing this kind of stuff all year and only got hurt once.

He was gonna be okay.

I got the stuff ready to make beef stew since that was a hearty dish that I could whip up fairly quickly. I started browning the meat then heard the front door open and close.

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