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"Violet!" Ki yelled, but her voice sounded so far away. "Holy shit, she's bleeding!" Kat yelled as my head throbbed. "Get in the car." Sam said as the ringing in my ears came back.

The next thing I heard was beeping, and people talking.

"So should we tell Colby?" Ki asked as my head throbbed more. "No. I don't think we should, we don't even know what's going on yet." Sam said with a sigh.

"He's gonna kill us..." Kat said as someone took my hand. "He's trying to recover plus Violet would kill us if we told him." Ki said as the pain in my head intensified.

The noises died down to nothing leaving me in the silent, peaceful void.

All the pain I was feeling had washed away as I floated around in the void. I let a deep breath and really tried to melt into the darkness.

I floated around for a little while before the beeping came back, louder than ever.

"Good morning." Someone said as I opened my eyes. I blinked a couple times, trying to get the blurriness to go away as my head throbbed. I noticed that I was in a hospital room and that nobody was around but a random nurse.

"What did I do?" I mumbled and brought my hand to my throbbing nose. "You passed out, how's your nose?" The nurse asked and came over to look. "It hurts." I mumbled as she breathed a small laugh. "That's what will happen if you smack your face on the floor. Luckily it's not too broken." She said then handed me an ice pack.

"Why did I pass out?" I asked with a slight groan as I brought the ice pack to my face. "You were extremely dehydrated. You also have the flu, congratulations." She said as the door opened.

"Thank god you're awake." Ki said as she came into the room with Kat and Colby's mom. "How do you feel?" Kat asked as I sighed. "I'm okay. I apparently suck at taking care of myself." I said and pulled the ice pack from my nose.

"Oh no." Colby's mom said and put her hands to her cheeks. "Sorry this is your first impression of me." I said with a sniffle as Ki handed me a tissue. "It's not. I think you underestimate the amount of love my son has for you. He talks about you like you're the best thing to exist." She said with a smile as I breathed a laugh.

"Jeeze, no pressure, Colby." I said then sighed. "Does he know about this?" I asked and chewed my lip. "No. We didn't think you would want us to tell him." Kat said as I started to get up.

"I should go see him." I said with a sigh as Ki stopped me. "How about we learn from our mistakes and rest for a minute." She said as I nodded and looked at the IV bag. It was half full which meant I was going to be in here for a while which I guess was fine.

I knew I was supposed to be taking it easy but I was still so nervous about Colby. I wanted to be there for him more than I wanted to rest.

"We should probably get back before he gets suspicious." Kat said as Colby's mom nodded. "Yeah, hang in there sweetie. We'll see you later." Colby's mom said then patted my leg gently. "Just tell him that I'm getting us Taco Bell or something." Ki said as they left the room.

I looked at her for a second as I chewed my lip. "How's he doing?" I asked and picked at my blanket. "He's doing okay I think. They took his neck brace off." Ki said and sat next to me. "Ugh, hate those things." I grumbled as she laughed. "I can't believe you two idiots are both in the hospital at the same time." Ki said with a laugh.

I frowned, remembering that Colby was still probably in so much pain and I was just laying here with a tube in my arm.

I should be with him.

"How about I just take the IV with me? I'm fine, just dehydrated." I suggested and pointed to the IV drip. "Look, I know you think your fine, but you're not the one that had to watch you face plant down the stairs. Please just take it easy." Ki said as I frowned.

"I thought I was drinking enough water but obviously not." I breathed out and lifted my arm which had the IV in it.

"Yeah, well I hope you enjoyed your little miss independent stunt because now you've got me on your ass." Ki said as I laughed. "I probably deserve that." I said with a nod as she handed me my glass of water. "Drink up, bitch." She said causing me to laugh and drink the water.

We sat around for a while so I could finish my IV bag then I was told that I could leave. They gave me an ice pack for my nose though since it was broken.

"I'm gonna visit Colby." I said and looked at Ki. "Sam said he's sleeping." She said as I nodded. "That's fine. I'll just sit in there with him." I said as she handed me a giant water bottle.

"Fine, but this needs to be empty when I see you next." She said as I laughed. "Okay." I said then walked towards Colby's room.

I was still feeling pretty sick but after the fluids I felt a little stronger which was good.

When I walked into the room Colby was sleeping soundly which made me happy. He looked so peaceful as I sat down, pulling the blanket that was on the chair over my shoulders.

I drank my water and just relaxed, scrolling through my phone. I would occasionally catch a glimpse of my swollen and bruised nose but ignored it since I didn't feel like dealing with that.

I sat there for a while before Colby started waking up. "Good morning." I said quietly as he rubbed his eyes. "Hey, beautiful girl." He said then looked at me.

"Who fucking hit you?!" He asked with anger coating his voice as my heart dropped. "What?" I asked with confusion as he held his hand out. "Who hit you?" He asked again then wiggled his fingers, gesturing for me to lean closer.

"Oh! My nose. I uh...fell." I said and leaned in as he squinted. "You suck at lying, V." He said as he put his fingers under my chin so he could look at my nose.

"You're gonna get mad at me." I said with a small laugh. "I promise I won't. Tell me what happened." He said then looked into my eyes.

"I passed out." I said as he frowned. "Damnit, V. You have to take care of yourself." He said as I nodded. "I know. I'm feeling better now though. I was just super dehydrated so I got some fluids. Ki is now on my ass about drinking water." I said with a laugh and sat back down, holding up the water bottle.

"So they all knew?" Colby asked as I nodded. "I knew they were hiding something!" He said and rolled his eyes. "They didn't tell you because they knew I would be pissed if they did." I defended as he breathed a laugh.

"It doesn't matter..you're my girlfriend. It kills me that you let yourself get to the point to where you passed out and broke your nose." Colby said as I nodded. "I know and I'm sorry. I thought I was drinking enough water but clearly I wasn't and then on top of not being able to sleep I just couldn't keep it together I guess." I said and took his hand.

"I'm okay though. They took care of me, now let me take care of you." I said and massaged it gently. "Did the doctor tell you what's going on?" I asked as he sighed and studied my face for another second. I knew he was contemplating whether I was actually okay or not but he must have decided I was good because he just nodded.

"Yeah, they want me here overnight but I can go home tomorrow. I'm on bed rest for two weeks then I'll be in the brace slowly getting back on my feet for four to six weeks. Then I'll be good to go." He explained as I smiled.

"Looks like you got a full time nurse for a couple months." I said then stood up and gave him a kiss. "He said no physical activity though." Colby said lowly as I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest lightly. "I didn't mean that, you dumbass." I said with a laugh then sat back down.

I was so happy that Colby was going to make a full recovery fairly fast. I hated that he was injured in the first place but the fact that in the next couple months he would be back on his feet was a huge relief.

I was so glad I wasn't going to lose him.

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