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I screamed and backed up, trying to get away from him as he grabbed my hands and pulled me almost off of the podium.

"Let go!" I screamed as the officers ran over. "You're mine Violet. You'll always be mine, my beautiful wife." He said and pulled me more as I started to cry.

After a few seconds the cops pulled him back, prying his hands off of me. I noticed Colby running towards Ellen and Donna as I crumbled onto the ground, sobbing.

"Can we request a short recess?" Donna asked as I held my chest. "Yes. 15 minute recess." The judge said as Colby came into view.

"Hey, hey....you're okay." He said then pulled me into his arms as I trembled. I couldn't even form the words as I cried, hiding my face in his shoulder.

"Shhh...I know. I know." He cooed and scratched my back as someone else came over, causing me to flinch. "It's just me, V." Sam said as I trembled. "He..." I started but hid my face into Colby's shoulder some more.

"Let's get some fresh air, okay?" He said and stood up, lifting me with him. I was frozen from the fear and the shock of him running up to me so Sam and Colby both had to lead me carefully to the exit.

"I'm gonna kick his ass." Ki said angrily as the rest of the group followed us outside. "Ki, calm down for just a minute." Colby said then pulled me into his arms again and scratched my back.

"I'm fine." I mumbled but kept my arms tightly around him. I felt like a giant baby because what happened wasn't that bad. I guess it was just what I was afraid of. "I know you are." He said then kissed my head.

"Is she okay?" Donna asked as she came outside. "Yeah, just a little shaken up. She's tough though." Colby said as I looked up and took a step back from him. "Do you think that was enough proof?" I asked Donna as she laughed slightly.

"I think he made a huge mistake by doing that." She said as I nodded and turned to everyone. "I'm alright guys." I said then took Colby's hand and started walking back inside.

I just wanted to get this over with.

We sat in the courthouse for the next couple minutes before we got started again. They called me back up to the stand, then made me do the oath again.

"State your case, Ms. Richards." The judge said softly as I nodded. "I was taken against my will. I was drugged and brought to his house, then cuffed to the bed. I have scars from how tight they are." I said and held my wrist up, showing the jury and the judge.

"I genuinely thought that I was going to die there. Peter would force me to kiss him and even forced marriage on me." I explained and looked down at my nails as Peter laughed. "My beautiful bride." He said causing my heart to race.

"Silence." The judge said then looked at me. "Go ahead, sweetie." He said to me. "I've been suffering ever since I've been found. I have extreme paranoia and night terrors every night. I always think someone is watching my every move because for an entire year, someone was." I said and looked up, looking for Colby.

When my eyes met his he nodded and smiled slightly, giving me reassurance.

"I want to be free from him." I said then looked down. "That's all." I said then looked up at the judge. "Thank you. Does the defendant have anything to say?" The judge said then looked at Peter's lawyer.

"Actually yes." He said then stood up. "Violet, you said that Peter forced marriage upon you?" He asked as I nodded. "Yes." I said as he pulled a piece of paper out.

"Then why did you sign this?" He said and pulled out a marriage license. I could feel myself start to hyperventilate as I backed away from the piece of paper.

"Your honor, that's forgery!" Ellen yelled as panic flowed through me. "Let me see." The judge said then reached his hand out for the paper.

"Violet, breath." I heard Colby say from the crowd as I sobbed and stumbled backwards. How could I have signed something without knowing? It couldn't be real.

I couldn't be married to Peter.

"It says it was signed on October 19th." The judge said and looked at his notes. "That's 13 days before the crime." He said as I wracked my brain, trying to remember if I signed anything.

Then it hit me.

I was tricked into signing it since I had to sign a lot of things that he did at work. He probably slipped into a pile of his charts knowing I would be signing something.

I technically signed the papers myself.

"I-I was tricked." I whispered as I hyperventilated. "Violet, calm down. You're okay." Ellen said quietly as I shook my head, feeling the hysterics boiling up. "I was his trainer at work...s-so I had to sign papers for him...I.." I said as black spots riddled my vission.

"Someone help her!" Colby yelled as I stumbled,  almost falling over. "Take a deep breath for me, Violet." The judge said as Peter smiled a wicked smile at me.

He was happy. He was happy because he knew our marriage was technically legal. He knew that I was his wife and the was my husband by law.

He knew that he ruined my life.

"I...I was tricked." I whispered and looked at the judge with tears in my eyes. He looked at me with sympathy then turned to the court. "Everyone out. Now." He said to the crowd causing an uproar of confusion.

"Your honor, you can't do that!" Peter's lawyer said as the judge shook his head. "I want a word with Ms Richards. The jury and stenographer can stay so what is said will be monitored." He said as the bailiff and police officers started escorting people out.

As soon as everyone was out he turned to me. "Take a seat, Violet." He said and pointed to the seat next to him. "I need you to calm down." He said quietly as I sobbed into my hands.

"I don't want to be married!" I yelled as I cried. The judge reached over and rubbed my back. "Do your parents know about what's going on?" He asked as I cried more. "My parents are dead." I cried out as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I have two daughters...so seeing you like this is making me a little emotional." He admitted and rubbed my back. "I believe everyone in this room is on the same page, or at least I hope, so once this trial is over we can work on getting this document reversed, okay?" He said and held up the marriage license.

"Okay." I whispered, feeling my heart ache in my chest. Every single one of my fears was coming true today and I didn't know how it would effect me long term.

Knowing that I unwillingly signed a document that would bound me to someone for life was making my insides twist in on eachother.

"Take a big deep breath for me, then I can send everyone back in here, okay?" He asked as the bailiff handed me a bottle of water. "Okay." I said then took a breath and a sip of water.

Once I was calmed down enough he called everyone back in.

"Any other questions for Ms. Richards?" The judge asked. "What did he tell you?" Peter's lawyer said as the judge hit the gavel against his desk. "Over ruled, any relevant questions?" The judge said as the lawyer shook his head.

"No." He said then sat next to Peter again. "You can go back to your seat, Violet." The judge said as I nodded and went back to my seat.

When I sat down Colby took my hand and turned to me. "Are you okay?" He asked as I shook my head and sighed.

Ellen and Donna then went into my case in further detail as I held Colby's hand tightly. I couldn't shake from my mind that Peter and I were technically married. I felt like I had done something wrong.

I felt so dirty.

Once they were done stating my case we were sent out of the courthouse again so the jury could discuss. All of my friends kept asking me questions, but I couldn't answer them. I didn't want to talk until I knew what was going on.

Colby just held me and kissed my head, trying to keep me at least a little calm. I wouldn't be calm though until I knew what his fate was. I wouldn't be calm until I knew I could get that license reversed.

We just had to wait.

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