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"Wake up!" Ki said as she jumped on my bed. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked as she laughed. "Well good to fucking see you too." She said as I covered my face with my hands. "Shut up. What's going on?" I asked and sat up.

"We have to make Colby's cake." She said as I nodded. "And we have to do this right now because???" I asked and looked at the time. "Because   Sam and Colby have a merch photo shoot in twenty minutes and you and Colby will literally die if you're not attached at the hip every minute of every day." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"You're so dramatic." I said with a laugh and got out of bed. "No, I'm correct and you know it." She said and pointed to me. "Whatever. Give me fifteen minutes." I said then trudged to the bathroom.

A couple days have passed since Colby and I came home from our trip. Today was New Year's Day which meant two things, tomorrow was Colby's birthday, and that I was extremely hungover.

I grabbed my facewash and groaned in pain from the massive headache I had. "Ki." I mumbled and looked towards my bed where she was laying. "What's up?" She asked and looked up from her phone.

"Can we get pedialyte?" I asked then turned to brush my teeth. "I already bought some, it's in the kitchen." She said with a laugh. "You're a goddess." I said then continued getting ready.

Once I was ready I went back into the bedroom. "Alright, let me say goodbye to Colby then we can go." I said as Ki nodded. "I'll get the pedialyte, meet me in the car." She said as we walked out to the foyer.

I went up to the stairs as Ki went towards the kitchen.

"Babe." I said as I knocked on Colby's door. "You can come in." He said from the other side. When I walked into the room he was standing at his mirror, fixing his hair.

"Oh, you look rough." He said and turned around to face me. "Wow, thank you." I said with a deadpan expression. "You know I still think you're beautiful." He said with a laugh and came over to put his hands on my waist.

"Mhmm. I feel rough though." I said then rested my head on his chest. "I can get you some medicine on the way home." He said and rubbed my back gently.

"It's okay, Ki got me some pedialyte." I said and hugged him. "Well that's good. Are you going to go hang out with her?" He asked as I pulled away.

"Yeah, when I get home we need to plan something for tomorrow." I said as he scrunched his brow. "What's tomorrow?" He asked causing me to laugh. "Your birthday?" I said as he shook his head.

"No, I'm not having a birthday this year." He said as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Mmm, hate to break it to you babe, but you are in fact turning 25 tomorrow." I said and patted his chest with my hand.

"Eh, we'll see." He said as I turned to the door. "Whatever, I'll see you later." I said then blew him a kiss. "Alright, I love you." He said and waved at me. "Love you too." I said then left the room.

When I got in Ki's car I reached my hand out towards her. "Pedialyte me." I said as she laughed and handed me the bottle. I chugged half of it as Ki started driving us to the store.

"So what flavor do you think we should get?" Ki asked as I shrugged. "I don't know..uh..chocolate?" I asked as she laughed. "You don't know what flavor cake your fiancé wants?" She asked as my eyes widened slightly.

"Woah...fiancé." I said as she laughed. "You're not used to it yet are you?" She asked as I shook my head. "No..I probably never will be honestly." I said and grabbed the chocolate cake mix.

"You seem really happy about it though." She said as I grabbed the chocolate frosting and different kinds of sprinkles. "I am. We aren't going to actually get married for a while but having it be official is really cool." I said and smiled down at my ring.

"I'm happy for you, V. You deserve a happily ever after." She said as we grabbed the rest of the decorations. "So do you, Ki. I can't wait until you find the one." I said as we made our way to the registers.

"It better be soon. I want a hot guy that has good sex with me and takes me on trips and stuff." She said causing me to laugh. "I can make that happen." I said and started scanning the groceries. "I'll hold you to that statement." She said with a laugh.

Once we checked out we went back to Ki's apartment. "There's my baby!" Ki said as Stella came running over. "Oh my god, she's getting so big!" I exclaimed as I put the groceries on the counter.

"I know, I'm gonna cry when she's all grown up." She said and grabbed Stella's leash. "You can get started with the cake, I'm gonna take her out." Ki said and hooked her up to the leash.

I set out all the ingredients and searched her cabinets for a bowl. I didn't really have a plan for Colby's cake but I was excited to make it for him.

By the time I got the ingredients mixed Ki was walking back into the apartment with Stella. "Do you guys have a plan for tomorrow?" She asked and came over to help me.

"Uhh...well Colby refuses to turn 25 tomorrow so I'm not sure. I'm definitely gonna try and get him out of the house though because you guys need to set up for the party." I explained as I put the cake in the oven.

"He's such a fucking toddler. Birthday's are the best. Is he just mad because your brain stops developing at 25?" She asked causing me to laugh. "What?" I asked as she nodded.

"Yeah, apparently your brain stops developing at 25 so he's just gonna be a dumbass for life." She said as I laughed. "That's horrible." I said as she laughed. "I'm kidding. I get it though, getting older is scary." She said and helped me clean up.

"Yeah. I wish he was a little more excited about his birthday though." I said and grabbed a cheese stick from the fridge. "He'll warm up to it when he sees the party we are throwing him." She said as I nodded. "Yeah, he loves parties. I also bought this dress that I think is gonna look really good on me." I said and shimmied my shoulders.

"If you wear that dress to dinner he may never make it to the party." She said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm pretty good at turning him down when I need to." I said as she clapped. "That's impressive." She said jokingly. "Shut up." I said then shoved her with my shoulder.

We spent the next couple hours making Colby's cake. It definitely looked homemade but I still thought it was cute.

Ki ended up taking me home so I could make plans with Colby for tomorrow. When I got home I went into the kitchen where Sam and Colby were.

"Hey, guys." I said and sat down at the island. "Hey, we were just talking about you." Sam said as I raised my brows. "Oh? Good things I would hope." I said with a laugh.

"Yeah, Colby was just telling me you might want to take him to dinner tomorrow." Sam said as I nodded. "Yep. I get him for dinner." I said with a grin. "Okay, then I get him for lunch." Sam said as I reached my hand out to shake his.

"Wow, I love all the attention." Colby said with a laugh. "We just looooove you." I said and reached over to pinch his cheek. "Whatever you say, dork." He said causing me to laugh.

"We just want you to have a good birthday. 25 is a big deal." I said as he sighed. "I hate getting older." He said causing me to frown.

"I know, but getting older means there's more adventures to come." I said as he smiled slightly. "I guess you're right. Every year that goes by is another year closer to marrying you." He said Sam came gagged. "That was too much for me." He said then got up.

"Sorry Sam!" I said with a laugh as he left. "We really have turned into the mushiest couple ever." I said and looked at him. "Yeah, but it's because we are in loooove." He said then pulled me into his chest.

We hung out in the kitchen for a while before we went upstairs. We spent the night just hanging out before we went to bed. I knew Colby wasn't the most excited about his birthday but I was hoping he would like what we had planned.

He deserved to have the best birthday ever.

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