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"What were you even thinking?" William asked in a deadly calm tone. Eleanora couldn't help but still flinch.

Right now, Nora was standing like some culprit in his study and in front of him. Her head bowed down and tears filled eyes.

As soon as her brother Lucifer took her in this mansion. William commanded him to take her in his study. There he would decide her punishment.

The word 'punishment' was enough to send chills down her spine. She was fearing for worst. The fear gripped her mind with a unbearable strength that the voices in her head too stopped. She was already terrified because she saw Lucifer taking two innocent lives without any hint of remorse.

She knew that they killed her mother. But killing in front of her, just terrified her at some above extent.

They were killers, brutal and merciless. Her thought occupied just by imagining the way, they would punish her for escaping. Would they cut her hands or legs? Or feed her to fishes?

Much to her embarrassment, Damon was also standing in the corner and looking at her with a blank look on his face.

"Are you listening to me, Eleanora?" William asked coldly.

Nora nodded her head scared.

"I know you don't like to speak much and I shall respect that in other times but right now I want to hear only verbal response!" He stated.


"Sorry is not the answer!" She bit her lip hard to stop herself from crying out loud.

"O-o-ok." She stammered in fear, curling her toes tightly.

"I wanted to give you some time to get yourself together. Because what happened two days ago was too much to take in. After that I was planning to move your stuff here, in this mansion, in your real home. But you really did disappointed me by running off like that. For a second, I expected that because this whole situation must be overwhelming for you. But it was a pretty dangerous move. You could have gotten hurt."

"Now as your brother and as a parental figure, I could have discipline you in a better way as your punishment. By bending you over my lap and spanking you like some child but you are a not a kid anymore. You are a teenager now and this humiliation would not be a great sight to seen."

"S-s-sorry." She whispered.

"I appreciate your apology but I can't just let you out from this situation." He lightened a cigarette and took a big drag.

"Your stuff will be moved here. It's your duty to punish her as a right way you see fit, Damon. I know you did warned her at a first place and she still decided to disobey you." Damon nodded his head at his brother's words and advanced in Nora's direction.

"Make sure you taught her this lesson better." William said from behind, watching as Damon grabbed Nora's wrist and they both made their way towards the door.

Her heart thumped wildly as she felt Damon's grip tightened slightly around her wrist.

"It was a stupid move, Eleanora!" This was the first time, he sounded so angry and stern.

They passed Hunter who scowled at Nora.

"If I was you, I would have whip her to death!" He commented. His tone dark.

Damon ignored him and dragged Nora downstairs. Guards and servants watched them in their corner of eyes.

He took her into a dark corner and opened a random door. Nora shivered in fear as she saw the stairs that were going down.

She hesitated in her steps but Damon cared less and pulled her behind him effortlessly. One of the guard standing at the door followed behind them silently.

With a scared look on her face, Nora looked at her surroundings as they passed cells and various dungeons.

Was he going to torture her?

Or like Hunter said, he was going to whip her to death?

She felt dizzy.

Her balance stumbled slightly and she squeaked out.

"I-I-I a-am s-s-sorry D-damon."

Damon paused. Nora thought maybe he was changing his decision to punish her but he only nodded at the guard to open the cell door.

He gently pushed her in and closed the door. That scary guard locked it.

"Apologize to me when your punishment will be complete. You will be locked here until you learn her lesson. I feel bad for you but my anger is overpowering." He simply said and walked out.

That guard followed him out too.

Her fists clenched as her body trembled like no end.

Suddenly the small lamp that produced the small light inside this dark cell turned off. Not even that but every light in the whole hallway turned off.

Her body started shivering more but this time it wasn't only her fear. It was the freezing cold. The room's temperature dropped to minus zero.

She shrunk against the wall and hugged her knees tightly as her teeth started chattering.

This punishment was worse than death. Today she understood the real meaning of 'fear'.

In some few moments, her blood started running cold in her veins and her pale cheeks turned more paler with no redness. Her lips turned blue. Her tears also froze with the amount of coldness.

Her body was paralyzed with the freezing cold. She struggled to survive for some few minutes but she slowly started losing this fight.

Her eyes slowly started closing and in another second, she passed out.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now