Chapter 37

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Eleanora never imagined that she would ever feel so much happy waking up in the morning.

"I'm Sixteen today." She mumbled to herself.

"I still don't know what were you hiding from me, mom. But I still miss you Mamma and Papa." She folded her hands together in a small prayer. Even the pair restricted her from taking her own decisions, they both still loved her or that's what she saw.

Taking a deep breath, she stood up from the bed and made her way to the bathroom.

After washing herself thoroughly, she dressed in one of her best dress that had a adorable light blue colour in it. It reached a little above her knees but it felt so comfy.

Her legs were bare though. But still it was her birthday today. She didn't care much about freezing weather.

First, she headed downstairs. There she met Hades who for the first time ever, was awake and having a meal like a decent person.

"Good morning." She greeted him.

He grunted but made no move to look up at her. Nora sat down in front of him, giddily waiting for him to acknowledge her.

Nora felt her mood sadden slightly. He didn't even bother to look up at her. After finishing the breakfast, he walked out without a word and hands shoved in his pockets.

The maids acknowledged her immediately, serving her breakfast and buzzed around her happily. Nora felt that her mood had fixed slightly.

After eating, Nora headed back to her room. She found it weird that the rest of her brothers were still not present here but she didn't pay any mind to it.

She watched some random movies on netflix for the whole day and took small in naps between. At sharp 5 in the evening, there was a small knock on the door.

Opening it, she found two of the maids and one of them had held a beautiful sparkling silver evening dress. Her mouth formed into a small oh.

The dress was undeniably gorgeous to look at.

"It's beautiful." She mumbled and let the maids in.

They helped her in wearing the dress. Nora looked in the mirror and held back a gasp at her own sight. The exquisite dress fit gorgeously around her body, hugging her frame and showing her small curves. She felt like a actual princess in it.

Next her hair was done. Her usually straightened hair were curled into luscious locks. Nora felt a smile covering her face as she moved around to look in the mirror and the feeling of her hair gently tapping behind her back.

A minimum and natural makeup was applied at her face due to her pale skin tone. She was given a pair of black heels to wear, giving her height a few more inches.

Happily, Nora hugged the maids and then, finally checked the time. Her eyes widened seeing that it was already 7 in the evening and the party must be started.

One of the maid led her towards the elevator. But Nora stopped in the middle of her tracks. She usually took the stairs and always ignored the elevators built in the mansion. The reason is that she was afraid of enclosed space.

She told the maid that she would like to use stairs. The maid agreed reluctantly to her demand and showed her the way. But she kept a slowed and careful pace almost like fearing that Nora might fall from the stairs.

The ball room was situated at the left side of the mansion and as soon as the maid pushed open the huge doors of entrance, Nora wished that she didn't.

There were people.

It was normal but there were just so many people.

Nora felt lost even if she had not taken a step in yet.

She jumped slightly as she felt an arm wrapped around her shoulder. She snapped her head back to look at Damon standing beside her with a sweet smile on his face.

She felt her own face lit up. He leaned down to kiss her forehead. She gave him a huge smile and whispered thank you. He did not need to make sign. Nora understood by his affectionate action that he was wishing her.

As they took a step forward in the room. Everyone seemed to start noticing them. Nora felt her face flushed at the attention. She took a small glance at Damon and looked in front before again snapping her head to face his direction.

Her eyes widened again slightly as she looked how expressionless his face had become. Almost like a emotionally dead person. She wasn't used to seeing him like this and it felt strange.

Next, she turned her attention at the people in front of her. Nora felt a little self conscious looking at the females wearing elegant dresses and the way they carried themselves with such gracious poise. Her 'princess feeling' dimmed.

Damon slightly squeezed her shoulder almost like feeling her discomfort. She relaxed a little and saw that the males present here were all scary. She gulped seeing that almost every male's personality had that terrifying aura. But it was nothing she could not handle as compared to Damon or her brothers.

First she met Hades and Angel, Angel kissed her cheek whispering happy birthday in her ear while Hades yawned.

Next she met Lucifer and Hunter and not surprisingly, she found them at the bar. Damon left her with them to talk to few guests.

Nora still felt a little uncomfortable because she could still feel stares dead set at her but sitting between her most scariest brother Hunter and favourite Lucifer who looked like 'promising to give everyone nightmares today if someone wrongly looked at her', she felt her nerves calming eventually.

"Drink?" Lucifer raised his cup of nasty alcohol.

Nora scrunched her nose in disgust.

"She's 10." Hunter scoffed.

Nora rolled her eyes.

"16. And, I can drink if I wish. But I don't like it."

"You wish?" Hunter asked with a mocking grin.

"Stop being annoyingly mean today. It's my birthday." She crossed her arms and let out a small huff.

Suddenly few murmurs erupted in the background. Nora looked back curiously to see what was going on around her.

The crowd started parting and the males almost looked too pale for their own health. Few of the females were literally swooning and shockingly few squealing. Some mature ones had a smile displayed on their faces, which looked seductive.

Finally, Nora stiffened. Her eyes met a pair of silvery eyes and she felt like her breath caught in her throat.

This man was something like she would say 'gorgeous'. Her cheeks tinted red as they made eye contact. But after a moment he looked away as Nora noticed that it was William who came to stand in front of him.

Nora felt her jaw dropping a bit as her oldest brother hugged this man. Their manly hug didn't even last a few seconds long but Nora was surprised to see that William looked so relaxed.

"Umm who is this man?" Nora asked quietly to Lucifer as that man and William vanished from her sight.

"Him? You could say that he's William's best friend and our business partner in several corporations and groups. His name is Dominic O'Gray." Lucifer answered for her and looked at Vincent who appeared in front of them out of nowhere.

"Happy Birthday, Eleanora. I apologize for not being here soon and you look absolutely gorgeous." He patted her head affectionately.

"Thank you, Vincent." She answered him happily.

"Lucifer, I need you to do something. Come with me. And, Hunter make sure to stay with Nora." Vincent ordered, switching back to his stern older brother tone.

Lucifer left grumbling but not before dawning alcohol from two cups.

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