(10) A T T A C K E D

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As William said, Lucifer was taking her to one of their malls. He wasn't looking really happy about this.

Eleaora decided to not to even breathe loudly as she was avoiding to provoke him by being loud. Two other cars of guards were following behind their car.

When they finally reached at their destination, Lucifer without speaking a word slid out. Nora followed him on the que and watched as he threw the keys at the security guard's face.

She flinched slightly when out of nowhere he grabbed her wrist. They entered together.
Their guards followed them inside the tall building.

People paused in their steps and looked at the siblings.

Who is she?

Must be one of the Lucifer's fling.

But OMG they have same identical eyes.

Is that the new of his fetish or something?

Nora couldn't help but shiver in disgust when those horrible whispers reached her ears.

She hesitantly glanced at Lucifer to see his reaction on it. He was talking to the guards with a unfazed expression.

He took her towards one of the shop there and immediately a girl came forward to assist them.

"Show her the best collection." He said and pulled his phone out before taking a seat on the couch nearby.

That girl Miranda helped her in selecting from the wide collection of dresses. In a real sense, Nora never said a word to her and Miranda herself selected top five dresses that she felt fitted on Nora's pale complexion.

Lucifer told Nora to try them on and acting like some puppet, Nora complied him without a word.

He approved the one of them and cared to ask Nora, her opinion about it. She only shrugged her shoulders.

Feeling annoyed, he rolled his eyes and guided her towards the next store of footwear.

Two hours spent by and then they were finally done. Nora was exhausted and feeling a little hungry.

Next Lucifer stopped by a food point. They both ate there and suddenly Nora excused herself to use the bathroom.

Lucifer nodded at her and commanded the guards to take her there. They stood outside the comfort room as she relieved herself.

After finishing her business quick, the guards escorted her outside of the building.

She looked at Lucifer who was standing outside at the entrance and talking to someone on his phone. He pointed with his finger to get in the car and one of the guard immediately opened the door for her.

She slid in and tiredly sighed before gently massaging her slightly swollen feet with her fingers. She was feeling exhausted today.

She leant her head on the front and closed her eyes tiredly. A minute or something later, the door was opened suddenly and a hand wrapped it's way around her wrist.

Her eyes snapped opened and she gasped as her body was effortlessly pulled out of the car.

A loud blast of explosion sounded behind her. With the loud impact, her body fell down harshly on the ground and someone's else on top of her, protecting her.

Her ears started ringing loudly. Some distant screams and yells lightly reached her ears.

Tears brimmed in her eyes as her mind acknowledged to the sharp pain in her back.

The person above her blinked at her and whispered something in assurance. His words later registered in her brain.

"It's ok, princess. Everything is fine."

He pulled away from her and stood up. He helped her in standing up from the ground.

Her legs gave up almost immediately but before she could collapse, someone's arm wrapped around her waist. She looked up at Lucifer who stood there looking concerned.

"What's hurting?" He asked immediately, without beating around the bush.

"M-m-my b-back." She whispered in a pained tone. Elijah was about to say something but Lucifer glared at him.

"Not now Elijah!"

Elijah nodded his head in understanding. Loud sirens blared in their surroundings.

"Clear everything here and meet me in the mansion. Make sure no word goes out!" Lucifer commanded him.

"Don't worry Sir!" Elijah said.

"All clear here, Sir!" One of the guard yelled loudly to get Lucifer's attention.

Lucifer nodded and hurriedly helped Nora towards the car. She sat on the backseat, slightly wincing with the pain. Lucifer himself slid in the passenger seat.

The guard immediately drove out of the scene and soon they hit the highway road.

Nora clenched her eyes shut in pain and fear. This whole incident relived the horrors of her life again. She was trying her best to calm herself but she couldn't help but again swallow the lump down her throat.

When they finally made it to the mansion, Damon immediately rushed towards them. He was standing on the front door and waiting for them.

"How is she?" He asked out in concern.

"There is no serious injury. But she looks badly shaken up." Lucifer replied.

He opened the back seat door only to find Nora passed out.

Damon was about to pick her up but Lucifer stopped him.

"Careful! Her back is hurt." Damon nodded and gently pulled her out. He picked her up but avoided touching her back.

After laying her down on her bed, he commanded Serenity and Serena to treat her slight injuries.

He made his way inside the William's study. He met William and Vincent there. Lucifer was already standing there.

"How the hell that happened?" Damon growled out.

"Someone called William and informed him about some unexpected attack on any one of us planned by assassins! We didn't get time to confirm that you and Nora will be targeted" Vincent said.

"And who was that someone?" Lucifer asked confused.

"Dominic Gray!"

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now