Chapter 24

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Eleanora could not get a blink of sleep the whole last night. The guilt was making her restless. She tried to talk to Lucifer and apologize to him but she found out that he left for some work last night.

She tried calling him but it was out of reach. Feeling restless and grumpy, she slouched on the bed.

A loud knock on the door gained her attention.

"Nora. Are you up?" It was Angel. Not surprisingly, of all people.

"I-I---I will be down in a minute." She called out and started to grab her bag ignoring the clenching pain in her ribs.

The effect of pain killers was decreasing slowly.

Sighing heavily, she let the train of her thoughts run and made her way outside. She passed William's office and paused.

That file. It was in his office.

Nora wanted to take the file and give it to 'them' just to get over with it, so that those group of bullies would leave her alone but she found no right spirit in herself to do so.

She heard a shuffling noise coming from inside and quickly walked away, trying to not look suspicious. Her brothers were surprisingly sharp when sensing her presence.

She made her way downstairs and met twins and Hunter.

Hunter stared at her silently for a good minute while she took sips of her morning tea with a toast.

She ignored him and kept her attention on her food.

After finishing, she almost forgot to say him bye but quickly remembered.

"Bye. Have a good day at umm work." She said, taking in his nod.

Hades wasn't coming to school with her as he got a last minute call. Grumbling, he told them that. So it was just Angel and her.

The ride was mostly silent. Nora looked outside at the scenery almost blankly. She didn't even notice that they reached school a lot sooner today as Angel was over-speeding a lot today like he was in some hurry.

Just as Nora was about to get out of the car, Angel's voice stopped her.

"You know we will find it one way or another way about what actually is bothering you."

Nora fell silent at his words.

"Don't think that we do not know that you have been taking countless pain-killers from since yesterday."

She almost fell over at his words.

"Don't worry. William will make sure to be as unforgiving as possible to whoever is harming you. Good news, him and Lucifer got hands on that matter already."

Nora was stunned in shock. Just as she turned to ask him what does he mean, she found his car speeding out of the parking lot.

Nora was relieved to find the absence of those guys today. Other good thing about the day was Anastasia's relaxed form. She didn't look as usually tensed as always and Nora was relieved to find out that she was holding up with her newfound family a lot well.

At the lunchtime, she and Anastasia were sitting together. Arabella was as usually glaring but she kept her distance.

With Anastasia, Nora was slowly becoming more relaxed and less tensed but her slight happiness flew out of the window as the door opened and they entered.

Nora didn't miss a sharp glimmer of glare they sent in her direction and suddenly she felt sick to her stomach..

Something was wrong with them and she just could not pin-point at that moment.

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