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Crimson brothers were amused as they heard from Vincent that Nora was drunk and she acts so stupid then. Like how she wanted to pull moon down from the sky and blah blah.

Next day when her eyes opened, her head was hammering with the pain but surprisingly she remembered the every bit of the night yesterday.

She felt embarrassed after remembering all of these. No more drinking from that fridge-- she made a mental note to herself and started to get ready for the day.

Her head was still hurting with the alcohol she consumed last night but at least this hungover was not that bad.

Feeling a little refreshed after her shower and getting dressed, she made her way towards the kitchen again.

The maids and cooks greeted her and they were very confused to see her there. One of the head cook asked her politely that if she needed anything.

But Nora shook her head.

"I want to make the whole breakfast myself." She told him with a small smile. The silence fell everywhere as these words slipped past her lips.

They wanted to decline but they couldn't actually do that.

"But there are about more than 70 guards and Sirs. It's not possible for you to make it.." The head maid told her.

"Don't worry. I can manage. I still have two hours." Nora smiled and moved forward to take a look around.

"You all are dismissed for today." She said.

The servants looked unsure but eventually they followed her rules. Serenity and Serena were the only one who stayed with her and watching her.

"You two can go." Nora told her.

"No, s-sorry for r-r-refusing." Serenity smiled faintly.

"It's just that you will need help to bring all this breakfast out and William sir have strictly not allowed you to go the guards section, madam." Serena explained.

Nora frowned hearing this but didn't commented anything.

She concentrated on preparing the meal. Serenity only instructed her a little about the things but as per Nora's order didn't moved from her spot.

Nora's hands moved quick as she made brioche, the usual bread better jam, crepe and croissants and in last the famous caffelatte. It took her more than 2 hours to prepare everything but it was totally worth it. She was sweating and out of the breath at last.

Serenity and Serena were quick to pick up the dishes to take them to the main dining hall. When they were back, Nora pointed at the other big half portion of the food that was prepared for maids/servants/ guards.

The girls smiled enthusiastically and skipped out happily to inform the others, so they can take them in their respective sections.

With a smile, Nora washed her hands and dried them off before making her way towards the grand dining hall. She flung the doors open and was surprised to see her brothers and Alexander and Lana there. The smile on her face vanished away a little.

But still she entered inside.

"Good morning." She greeted them.

She heard few murmurs of half of them in response. Lana stared at her envious look.

"I haven't seen you from past these days but oh my you have grown up so much." Nora smiled awkwardly at Lana's words and moved forward to take a empty seat between Angel and Hades.

Serenity and two other maids served the food.

"It smells delicious today!" Damon winked at Nora.

Nora smiled slightly back. Others gave him a confused look.

"What's with the breakfast? I don't know why are you suddenly excited about it today from throughout the morning." Lucifer rolled his eyes.

"You all must probably don't know that our little sister made this all." He grinned.

"It must be shit, I bet!" Hunter commented rudely.

"I think it is still the alcohol from last night dancing in her head." Hades rolled his eyes.

Nora didn't took their words to her heart and continued to smile.

"But could you at least please try first?" She asked in a hopeful tone.

"No thanks! I am not quite hungry." Lucifer said and stood up from the chair. He just walked away followed by Hades and Hunter. Even a grumpy Vincent walked away. He did it for the reason just to stop Nora's knowing attempts because he clearly did remembered her words from last night. She wanted to bring a good out of them and he just couldn't give her satisfication. Because there was nothing good in him. He was selfish and filled with pride.

This time she couldn't play the act of keep smiling. Tears filled in her eyes but she tried so hard to blink them away. But the slight quiver of her bottom lip didn't stopped.

"Oops." Lana taunted back.

"E-excuse me." She mumbled shakily and stood up from her chair. But Angel wrapped his hand around her wrist before pulling her back down on the side without a word. He took a first bite of the food.

"It's not that bad!" He commented.

Nora looked at William and Damon. They were already eating.

Alexander and Lana were also eating and talking to each other flirtatiously.

She shook her head and continued with her food but somewhere her heart was still clenching with hurt.

After the meal, she took William's permission to explore the family Castle and he gave her that without a word. Elijah wasn't there because he went on some mission and that left Nora alone.

She was free to roam anywhere she wanted but excluding the warehouses that Nora hadn't had the slightest idea about.

She followed the familiar path of the castle. Two other guards following behind her at the safe distance.

Nora momentarily took her time in exploring the whole palace with a exciting look on her face. The sun was starting to set when she finally was finish with the long trip. She was ready to head back to mansion but wasn't able to find her accompanied guards.

They must of left. She shrugged to herself and started to walk back towards the mansion.

But suddenly a hand gripped her arm and she was slammed against the wall. She winced in pain and looked up at the face of this unfamiliar man. He was fairly young looking.

Dread crawled inside her as she smelled heavy alcohol from his breath.

"What a pretty girl like you are doing here? Hmm. Are you trespassing?" He asked while running his fingers on her cheek.

"L-let go." Nora whispered while trying to struggle against his grip.

"And why should I do that?" He teased back.

Nora felt like her body froze in fear and terror as she felt his rough hand rubbing against her thigh and slowly inching up under her dress.

"I SAID LET GO OF ME!" She screamed finally finding her lost voice.

"Shh. No need to yell now. There's no one going to hear you." He chuckled and tried to place his lips on top of her but she turned her head away.

Tears pooled in her eyes as she struggled against his rock hard grip.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now