(18) R E C O V E R Y

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Eleanora forced her eyes to blink open. Her vision was blackening and blurring at the same time. She blinked her eyes tiredly several times to adjust them accordingly the lightness.

Tears flooded in her eyes as she felt gut wrenching cramps in her stomach. Her eyes momentarily moved around the room and she found herself connected to a ventilator.

She was in a different room. The walls were plain white with a big glass window but a beautiful chandelier connected to the ceiling that was surely making this room look a little different than other hospital rooms.

Door was opened and both sisters, Serenity and Serena stepped inside. They told her that they were here to take care of her.

From the window, Eleanora's eyes caught the sight of bulky frame of guards outside. She frowned.

Serena informed her that she almost died three days ago, she was unconscious throughout the whole time due to the overdosing of sleeping pills.

Regret washed over Serenity's features as she exclaimed that she shouldn't had brought those sleeping pills for her.

When Nora pointed her fingers towards the guards like asking the reason of them standing outside, so Serena answered Nora telling that they were to accompany her everywhere, it was William's order.

Four days later, Eleanora's recovery improved and she was feeling much better than before. Only Serena, Serenity stayed by her side all the time. Elijah who was standing outside her room all the time came to check up on her regularly after every half an hour.

Eleanora was extremely annoyed by this tight security but she kept her lips zipped up knowing completely that these all were the consequences of her mistakes and William will surely make her suffer.

None of her brothers came to visit her and Nora wasn't surprised after finding out that she herself didn't minded about it at all.

A day later, she was free to get back to her own room, out from this medic room of the mansion.

Nora walked with her cheeks little red in embarrassment. Elijah was in front of her, escorting her back towards her room with a trail of big, bulky guards following behind her.

For others, maybe it will be fun but for Nora it was nothing enthusiastic but more embarrassing kind. She didn't fantasize this kind of treatment.

With their tall frames, Nora looked like some ant walking between them.

After reaching inside the safe heavens of her room, she got the another biggest shock of her life after seeing no lock on the door of her room. The door was changed to a glass door with no drapes at all.

This was too much! There was no bit of her privacy for her inside her own room.

She glared at Elijah's back who skipped out from her room to stand at the entrance.

She laid down on the bed with frown ceased on her features.
She angrily punched a pillow beside her and then covered her face with it.

Three hours later, Elijah informed her that she was called in dining hall for breakfast.

Eleanora hesitantly entered inside. Elijah pulled the chair back for her to sit.

She didn't bothered to thank him or something but plopped down on the chair. He left her there to probably have dinner at some other section of guards.

Alexander was the first one to enter. Nora felt her breath hitched in her throat when he made his way towards her and sat on the chair beside her.

There were plenty other chairs to sit. Nora frowned.

The maids and servants started to come to serve them.

"How are you my daughter?" Alexander murmured lowly. Nora already didn't liked the way he was sitting so close to her and now he was leaning more towards her side.

This move wasn't comfortable at all.

She fisted her hands on her lap to stop them from shaking and tried to calm her breathing.

Her breathing suddenly stopped when she felt his hand slightly brushed against her thigh. She immediately stood up from the chair in alert.

At the same time Hunter and Lucifer stepped inside. They looked at Eleanora's panicked look and Alexander's neutral expression. He was carelessly sipping on his wine and staring at the screen of his phone.

"That's my seat!" Lucifer said.

Alexander rolled his eyes. Nora looked relieved.

She sat down on the other side, farther away from Alexander's reach and Lucifer took her chair.

Rest of the brothers arrived late for the dinner. William was the only one who wasn't present. She didn't even bothered to ask anyone about his absence.

She sat there quietly having her dinner and nobody asked if she was interested in joining their conversations.

Eleanora found it a little weird and hurt that Damon didn't even gave her a mere glance. He looked emotionless. Angel wasn't in the cheerful mood like always. He was continuously drinking wine.

When she was finished with her food, she quietly took her leave out of there. As soon as she was out of the doors, Lucifer turned his attention towards Alexander.

"Father! I suggest you to keep your hands away from the girl. William would not be happy after hearing about your approaches!" He warned him coldly.

Excluding Hunter, others gave him a confused look.

"Are you threatening me son?" Alexander raised his eyebrow back.

"Take it as a threat if you want father!" Hunter piped in with his dead tone.

"She's my daughter! I won't do anything to her." Alexander fake sighed.

"She just looks so much alike Acacia!" His words stiffened everyone. With that, he silently skipped out from there knowing completely that he had hit the hurting point.

Next day, Nora was called in William's study. Elijah told her that he just recently came back from a business trip of two days.

Eleanora was afraid to approach him for some reason. She badly wanted say no to Elijah, refusing to meet him but then changed her mind thinking that William will only think that she was nothing but a coward. That she actually felt was.

She dragged her feet towards his study and her eyes met a familiar pair of eyes.

Tears filled the corner of her eyes and a small sob escaped her lips as she whispered, almost not believing that person who stood in front of her with a small smile on his face.

She cried as she ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist.


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