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Lucifer grinned maniacally as he twisted the neck of the second in command of Russian mafia.

There were unexpected attacks on various O'Crimson Warehouses and buildings. The mansion was the last one.

The O'Crimson brothers were busy handling everything. But they were on the edges. Because the youngest and not strong enough member of their family was unprotected.

Vincent yelled orders at Elijah so just they could somehow bring Eleanora out of all of this mess. The plan was to hid her for few days at some safe place.

William gave the responsibility of this task to Hades as they were still busy taking control of this deadly situation, he sent Damon and Angel back just in case. Because safety of the youngest one was important than any other thing.

It took them complete 24 hours to finish everything.

William, Vincent, Lucifer and Hunter was sitting in a car. Vincent was driving and William was sitting on the passenger seat. Lucifer and Hunter were behind. Lucifer was busy admiring his blood stained hands and Hunter had his eyes closed.

These past hours were exhausting for the brothers but it wasn't something new for them.

William scratched his head with his gun and dialed Hades number but he wasn't picking up.

He contacted Elijah who told him that situation in mansion was under control. But the state was bad. It would take few days for everything to get better again.

Just as they were nearing the city, William's phone rang. Hades name popped on the screen and he picked it up immediately.

"Everything good there?" William asked in a gruff tone.

Hades told him that they just arrived at the one of penthouse. Damon and Angel were already with him.

"And her? How is she?" He asked.

Vincent's ears were already on the conversation and suddenly Lucifer looked interested too. Hunter was already too much awake now.

"A snake bite her ankle back in the woods." Hades replied him.

William sighed out.

"Is that too much bad?" William asked, concern evident in his tone.

"Nah! I think she will survive."

"Take care of her. Don't let anyone hurt he--" William cut off in middle as a sudden and loud beeping noise reached their ears.

"Fuck" Lucifer cursed under his breath.

"William?" Hades called him when William didn't replied for a moment.

A loud blast echoed in his ear from the other side and Hades's body froze in shock. The call disconnected.

Hades swallowed hard and again tried to call William but the call never connected.


Loud blasts echoed throughout the whole building making it vibrate loudly. The cieling started to crack and the walls started falling down.

Nora felt her body giving up and dropping down on the floor. She covered her ears with her palms over it when another bomb exploded.


The door of her room was kicked open. Angel quickly gathered her fragile frame in his arms.

"A-angel! What is happening?" She cried, the throbbing of her leg was worsening.

"Shh. Everything will be fine. We just need to get out of here." He comforted her, side hugging her.

"Let's go." He pulled her up on her feet while tucking his gun in his pants.

As the weight of her body fell on her injured leg, another pained cry escaped through her lips. Her legs collapsed again but he held her firmly.

"I-I c-can't." She choked on her sobs.

Angel tapped her back gently before slinging her over his good shoulder with a little effort.

"Trust me Nora! Nothing bad will happen."

In the next second, he kicked the glass windows, making it shatter. In the next second, he had thrown his body out of it. The wind pushed their bodies down with an abnormal force. Nora felt sick to her stomach and clenched her eyes shut tightly.

Instead of the harsh impact of the ground, she felt herself getting dipped in the cold freezing water of the pool. Just when the whole building exploded at once.

Angel coughed hysterically as water entered his lungs but he grabbed her hand and managed to pull her towards the surface. When she was at the safe point, his grip on her hand loosened. Nora tried to hold on to his hand, but his fingers slipped. Just when her eyes fell on the red water around them.

"Angel!" She gasped when his body started to sank under the water.

"No!" She shouted in utter horror and again entered inside the pool, ignoring the wild throbbing of her leg.

She grabbed Angel's hand and using her full strength, she managed to pull him towards the surface.

Out of breath, she shook him but he didn't responded.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now