Chapter 4

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Eleanora couldn't help but frown deeply at his words. She considered it as some joke.

These guys!

Scary guys who are killers and looked like some criminals could never be her brothers. There was just no way.

"I d-don't believe you." She said back. Lucifer raised his brow, suddenly surprised at her attitude.

"We don't believe it too. That's why we are waiting for the dna reports. If you are really not our sister, then you will have to die." He stated bluntly.

Nora choked on literally nothing.

Taking someone's life isn't really a big deal for them. She hated them.

A sound of someone's loud footsteps gained their attention. Nora looked up and flinched to see the same man who killed her mother accompanied by his two partners. Damon and the other tattoos covering guy.

Lucifer tilted his head to look at them and unlocked the cell. The guy who was in the center who actually killed her mother, stepped inside.

Nora felt like clawing her skin, feeling small and scared under his presence. There was something in the way he act, he walks. It held authority and utmost pride. The air thickened and Nora swallowed.

He dragged a vacant metal chair from the corner and sat down on it, in front of her. With his knee settled on his other knee and his identical eyes as her own staring at her intently.

Nora clutched her skirt in tight fists as he motioned at the chair to take a seat. Seeing no other chance, she slowly sat down and looked down at the floor, deliberately trying to avoid his eyes.

"Eleanora! Was it?" Nora flinched a little as he called her by her full name. She slowly nodded her head making no move to push her hair away from her face that did a great job in hiding it from him.

"I won't drag this matter long. I would like to cut the whole chase so hear carefully. You are not Eleanora Carter! Your real identity is Eleanora O'Crimson! The youngest member of Crimson family. It is confirmed in the dna reports---" he literally dropped bomb on her. He didn't give her time to accommodate to his words and continued speaking.

"Acacia Carter took you away from your real family as in us. David Carter is your stepfather. Your real father is Alexander O'Crimson. He's no longer between us but he would have like you to be a part of your real family. As a oldest member of this family and your oldest brother, I have taken your legal custody. You belong here, this is your home."

Nora clenched her fists and couldn't help but mumble.

"I can't accept you as my family. You killed my mother, my fath--" He cut her off smoothly.

"Stepfather. About accepting, it's your own problem but you have no other better option. About 'your' mother's death, she was punished for her crimes."

Anger filled in Nora's veins and she snapped her head up. In the process, her hair whipped away from her face revealing her tears and a broken look covering her face.

"You are not God!"

"Tsk. That's where you are wrong little sister. I am the fucking God here." A small smirk came across his lips. Nora's guts tightened. She felt suffocated.

Lucifer snorted at his older brother's comment. They were leaning at the walls outside the cell.

He stood up and moved towards the door but paused at the entrance.

"Anyway, my name is William. Welcome to the family Eleanora." 

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now